Elite Timing & Event Management - Contractor License           9/3/2016 - 10:10 AM
                 2016 Holy Trinity Academy Invitational - 9/3/2016                 
                               Last Completed Event                                
Event 4  Boys 5k Run CC JV
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
Results - Men                                                                      
  1 Sorensen, Jake               Merritt Island HS              18:54.70   1   1   
  2 Saylors, Kyle                Edgewater HS                   18:58.00   1       
  3 Jadotte, Jalen               Martin County HS               19:00.30   1   2   
  4 Sanchez, Nathan              Martin County HS               19:03.10   1   3   
  5 Edelman, Baylor              Merritt Island HS              19:08.60   1   4   
  6 Hardy, Vlady                 Merritt Island HS              19:16.60   1   5   
  7 Deleon, Sebastian            Mount Dora C                   19:19.10   1   6   
  8 Cabrera, Dimitri             Winter Springs HS              19:20.80   1   7   
  9 Roe, Tanner                  Martin County HS               19:26.90   1   8   
 10 Williams, Sean               Timber Creek HS                19:30.20   1   9   
 11 Scammel, Noah                Martin County HS               19:33.00   2  10   
 12 Pruim, Jackson               Mount Dora C                   19:35.10   2  11   
 13 Garzia, Dante                Martin County HS               19:40.70   2  12   
 14 Stella, Kyle                 Timber Creek HS                19:42.10   2  13   
 15 Cutbirth, Jacob              Rockledge HS                   19:52.30   2  14   
 16 Curtis, Mitchell             Mount Dora C                   19:52.40   2  15   
 17 Robinson, Jonathon           Winter Springs HS              19:53.70   2  16   
 18 Pinfield, Benjamin           West Shore HS                  19:56.50   2  17   
 19 Vaske, Drake                 Viera HS                       20:01.90   2  18   
 20 Lebofsky, Judah              Martin County HS               20:02.00   2  19   
 21 Peluso, Joseph               Trinity Prep                   20:17.20   3  20   
 22 Valente, Tom                 Mount Dora C                   20:18.20   3  21   
 23 Hayes, Austin                West Shore HS                  20:18.90   3  22   
 24 Senft-Greenberg, Matthew     West Shore HS                  20:19.50   3  23   
 25 Collier, Logan               Titusville HS                  20:19.90   3  24   
 26 Ward, Reagan                 Titusville HS                  20:29.80   3  25   
 27 Aurelius, Matthew            Winter Springs HS              20:31.60   3  26   
 28 Brando, Anthony              Merritt Island HS              20:32.00   3  27   
 29 Deridder, David              Cocoa Beach HS                 20:32.20   3  28   
 30 Aldarondo, Andriel           Timber Creek HS                20:32.40   3  29   
 31 Gibson, Nikolas              Mount Dora C                   20:32.80   4  30   
 32 Tezel, Kevin                 Cocoa Beach HS                 20:39.20   4  31   
 33 Stella, Austin               Timber Creek HS                20:40.30   4  32   
 34 Cheek, Brayden               West Shore HS                  20:40.60   4  33   
 35 Jones, Malachi               Titusville HS                  20:41.90   4  34   
 36 Conley, Lane                 New Smyrna Beach HS            20:43.60   4  35   
 37 Hill, Jeffrey                Trinity Prep                   20:44.70   4  36   
 38 Thomas, Ryan                 Merritt Island HS              20:46.70   4  37   
 38 Miller-Caraballo, Noa        West Shore HS                  20:46.70   4  38   
 40 Roane, Johnny                Father Lopez                   20:50.20   4  39   
 41 Padilla, Isaiah              Winter Springs HS              20:54.60   5  40   
 42 Fuhrman, Justin              Winter Springs HS              20:55.00   5  41   
 43 Lopez, Orlando               Viera HS                       21:01.10   5  42   
 44 Romero, Kole                 Melbourne Ce                   21:02.90   5  44   
 44 Hurley, Lawson               Mount Dora C                   21:02.90   5  43   
 46 Chavez, Carson               Melbourne Ce                   21:05.60   5  45   
 47 Murimwa, Simba               Winter Springs HS              21:07.90   5  46   
 48 Goodwin, Alden               Merritt Island HS              21:09.00   5  47   
 49 Hymel, Corey                 Melbourne Ce                   21:10.10   5  48   
 50 Major, Jimmy                 Father Lopez                   21:15.20   5  49   
 51 Cruz, Nehemias               St. Cloud HS                   21:22.10   6       
 52 Johnson, Zack                St. Cloud HS                   21:22.40   6       
 53 Sapusek, Devin               Vero Beach HS                  21:24.20   6  50   
 54 Cusumano, Leo                Martin County HS               21:25.50   6  51   
 55 Kutner, Brian                Vero Beach HS                  21:26.20   6  52   
 56 Lemmon, Corey                New Smyrna Beach HS            21:33.90   6  53   
 57 Dallas, Clay                 Titusville HS                  21:36.80   6  54   
 58 Taylor, Kevin                Merritt Island HS              21:37.00   6  55   
 59 Boucher, Jay                 Merritt Island HS              21:37.80   6       
 60 Brown, Javon                 St. Cloud HS                   21:38.30   6       
 61 Dabbs, Ethan                 Viera HS                       21:39.60   7  56   
 62 Reheiser, Austin             New Smyrna Beach HS            21:40.20   7  57   
 63 Chastain, Grayson            Father Lopez                   21:40.60   7  58   
 64 Ong, Giann                   Timber Creek HS                21:41.80   7  59   
 65 Cannie, Sean                 Melbourne Ce                   21:45.50   7  60   
 66 Lynch-De Oliveira, Matth     The Pine School                21:46.60   7  61   
 67 Waller, Trey                 Father Lopez                   21:49.70   7  62   
 68 Quigley, Scott               West Shore HS                  21:51.50   7  63   
 69 Perrin, Francis              Merritt Island HS              21:52.50   7       
 70 Collyer, Ryan                Titusville HS                  21:54.20   7  64   
 71 Hagerty, Ben                 Cocoa Beach HS                 21:55.20   8  65   
 72 Williams, Jonathan           Timber Creek HS                22:01.20   8  66   
 73 Girard, Tamir                Merritt Island HS              22:04.10   8       
 74 Powers, Cody                 New Smyrna Beach HS            22:04.70   8  67   
 75 Khaolueang, Thammarat        Merritt Island HS              22:07.20   8       
 76 Krysnik, Alex                Cocoa Beach HS                 22:10.00   8  68   
 77 Lytle, Alex                  Titusville HS                  22:18.90   8  70   
 77 Toole, Logan                 New Smyrna Beach HS            22:18.90   8  69   
 79 Watts, Robert                Trinity Prep                   22:19.40   8  71   
 80 Sherman, Joey                Melbourne Ce                   22:20.40   8  72   
 81 Douglas, Chris               Cocoa Beach HS                 22:20.70   9  73   
 82 Morgenstern, Matt            Viera HS                       22:22.60   9  74   
 83 Upton, Phillip               The Pine School                22:23.80   9  75   
 84 Johnston, Cameron            Merritt Island HS              22:24.40   9       
 85 Al Hilali, Khalid            Timber Creek HS                22:24.90   9  76   
 86 Parker, Isaiah               Circle Chris                   22:25.10   9  77   
 87 Lobo, Prescott               Trinity Prep                   22:32.00   9  78   
 88 Johnson, Christopher         West Shore HS                  22:32.50   9  79   
 89 Thanasiu, Brendan            New Smyrna Beach HS            22:33.00   9  80   
 90 Driscoll, William            Trinity Prep                   22:33.20   9  81   
 91 Ratliff, Ben                 Vero Beach HS                  22:36.50  10  82   
 92 Pearson, Aaron               Circle Chris                   22:42.00  10  83   
 93 Plyler, Charles              West Shore HS                  22:42.20  10       
 94 Vento Camacho, Diego         West Shore HS                  22:42.50  10       
 95 Kelly, Sean                  Melbourne Ce                   23:02.50  10  84   
 96 Walker, Maxwell              Viera Charte                   23:04.80  10  85   
 97 Torres, Lorenzo              Bayside HS                     23:07.30  10       
 98 Dunlap, Michael              Merritt Island HS              23:08.10  10       
 99 Fowler, Nathaniel            Master's Academy               23:08.70  10       
100 Giovannone, Dominick         Vero Beach HS                  23:08.80  10  86   
101 Compton, Elijah              Rockledge HS                   23:09.00  11  87   
102 Davis, Justin                Trinity Prep                   23:11.80  11  88   
103 Rieder, Will                 Melbourne Ce                   23:19.10  11  89   
104 Baldwin, John                Trinity Prep                   23:19.50  11  90   
105 Herndon, Caleb               Master's Academy               23:19.70  11       
106 Crook, Mike                  Merritt Island HS              23:20.00  11       
107 Fulton, Brent                Father Lopez                   23:24.40  11  91   
108 Spath, Brett                 Cocoa Beach HS                 23:27.70  11  92   
109 McGinn, Brandon              Merritt Island HS              23:31.00  11       
110 Nevalga, Arron               Titusville HS                  23:31.60  11  93   
111 DeSando, Tyler               Rockledge HS                   23:32.00  12  94   
112 Neal, Gio                    Rockledge HS                   23:32.30  12  95   
113 Skaggs, Alexander            West Shore HS                  23:35.30  12       
114 Howell, Jordan               Father Lopez                   23:36.50  12  96   
115 Wilkie, Patrick              Father Lopez                   23:37.70  12  97   
116 King, James                  Viera Charte                   23:41.80  12  98   
117 Maxik, Dylan                 West Shore HS                  23:49.70  12       
118 Denney, Luke                 The Pine School                23:52.20  12  99   
119 Quiroz, Emilio               Melbourne Ce                   23:53.20  12       
120 DiMauro, Chris               Martin County HS               23:54.40  12       
121 Corona, James                Edgewood Ms/Hs                 23:55.50  13       
122 Mayr, Josh                   Father Lopez                   23:55.70  13       
123 Murphy, Kevin                Viera HS                       24:01.10  13 100   
124 Ahmed, Fahim                 Timber Creek HS                24:01.60  13       
125 Stanberry, Mason             Father Lopez                   24:05.10  13       
126 Gutman, Alex                 Titusville HS                  24:07.10  13       
127 Wittenberg, Hunter           Ascension Catholic             24:08.20  13 101   
128 Peeples, Erie                New Smyrna Beach HS            24:09.70  13 102   
129 Paradiso, Zane               New Smyrna Beach HS            24:10.30  13       
130 Snetsinger, Caesar           Merritt Island HS              24:11.60  13       
131 Perryman, Sean               Father Lopez                   24:17.10  14       
132 Scarberry, Kyle              Mount Dora C                   24:23.50  14 103   
132 Lawrence, Matthew            West Shore HS                  24:23.50  14       
134 McClure, Justin              Timber Creek HS                24:25.30  14       
135 Spidell, Ryan                Circle Chris                   24:26.80  14 104   
136 Parker, Harrison             Sebastian River HS             24:27.10  14       
137 Chimelis, Aaron              The Pine School                24:28.90  14 105   
138 Tettamanti, Gabriel          The Pine School                24:29.00  14 106   
139 Beard, Nicholas              Titusville HS                  24:30.20  14       
140 Luchetti, Chad               Ascension Catholic             24:35.20  14 107   
141 Clarke, Jake                 Jensen Beach HS                24:40.10  15 108   
142 Bolton, Dallas               Circle Chris                   24:46.30  15 109   
143 Brand, Aaron                 Viera Charte                   24:49.20  15 110   
144 Lee, Mark                    Vero Beach HS                  24:56.60  15 111   
145 Feeback, Aiden               Vero Beach HS                  25:02.10  15 112   
146 Solomon, Navarre             Viera HS                       25:02.80  15 113   
147 McKenzie, Zach               Melbourne Ce                   25:04.70  15       
148 Kim, Liam                    Holy Trinity                   25:06.60  15 114   
149 Johnson, Mason               Martin County HS               25:13.50  15       
150 Hendrickson, Dylan           John Carroll HS                25:17.30  15       
151 Long, Will                   Vero Beach HS                  25:20.80  16 115   
152 Gearhart, Benjamin           Ascension Catholic             25:24.50  16 116   
153 Wills, John                  Holy Trinity                   25:32.90  16 117   
154 Jaeger, Justin               Winter Springs HS              25:33.30  16 118   
155 DeLuca, Johnny               Ascension Catholic             25:33.60  16 119   
156 Matta, Alexander             West Shore HS                  25:36.60  16       
157 McCartney, Rob               Sebastian River HS             25:45.10  16       
157 Dacosta, David               Melbourne Ce                   25:45.10  16       
159 Martin, Patrick              Edgewater HS                   25:47.00  16       
160 Lopez, Gabriel               Cocoa Beach HS                 25:47.20  16 120   
161 Votzi, Logan                 Vero Beach HS                  25:49.70  17       
162 Rodriguez, Anthony           Vero Beach HS                  25:51.10  17       
163 Sopher, Christopher          Martin County HS               25:53.80  17       
164 Heitner, Ethan               The Pine School                25:55.30  17 121   
165 Neuerburg, Ethan             Space Coast HS                 25:57.00  17       
166 Atz, Jonathan                The Pine School                26:01.10  17 123   
166 Martinez, Juan Pablo         Ascension Catholic             26:01.10  17 122   
168 Torres, Miguel               St. Cloud HS                   26:02.90  17       
169 Place, Easton                Trinity Prep                   26:06.50  17       
170 Jost, Tommy                  Ascension Catholic             26:11.20  17 124   
171 Ochipa, Addison              Viera Charte                   26:12.00  18 125   
172 Weatherby, Adin              West Shore HS                  26:14.60  18       
173 McKenzie, Josh               Melbourne Ce                   26:15.80  18       
174 Armstrong, Shaun             Ascension Catholic             26:21.20  18 126   
175 Wolf, Kyle                   Vero Beach HS                  26:23.70  18       
176 Wadsworth, Thomas            Holy Trinity                   26:24.30  18 127   
177 Ortiz, Elijah                West Shore HS                  26:27.30  18       
178 Sierra, Kaulana              Cocoa HS                       26:27.60  18       
179 Hagen, Pj                    Melbourne Ce                   26:29.40  18       
180 Sierra, Makana               Cocoa HS                       26:38.00  18       
181 Duncan, Tim                  New Smyrna Beach HS            26:40.40  19       
182 Gregory, Max                 Viera Charte                   26:44.20  19 128   
183 Crager, Jacob                Melbourne Ce                   26:54.20  19       
184 van der Burgt, Lucas         Father Lopez                   26:57.60  19       
185 Ebell, Martyn                Jensen Beach HS                27:01.20  19 129   
186 Cronkhite, Caleb             Brevard Heat                   27:02.30  19       
187 Hensel, Tate                 Covenant Chr                   27:08.30  19       
188 Laboy, Yoshua                Covenant Chr                   27:08.60  19       
189 Sardella, Ian                Edgewood Ms/Hs                 27:13.30  19       
190 Johnsen, Jeremy              Father Lopez                   27:13.40  19       
191 Luthra, Neal                 Holy Trinity                   27:20.90  20 130   
192 Loftus, Liam                 Trinity Prep                   27:22.50  20       
193 Askin, Jacob                 John Carroll HS                27:25.40  20       
194 Mancini, Michel              Palm Bay Her                   27:27.40  20       
195 Page, Braden                 Circle Chris                   27:39.20  20 131   
196 Hong, Christopher            Circle Chris                   27:43.60  20 132   
197 Leffler, Michael             Cocoa HS                       27:47.20  20       
198 Gregory, Brooks              Viera Charte                   27:47.40  20 133   
199 Juliano, Jack                Viera HS                       27:54.90  20 134   
200 Turke, Ashton                Jensen Beach HS                27:56.70  20 135   
201 Shaw, Max                    Internationa                   27:57.80  21       
202 Roeper, Ethan                Viera HS                       27:57.90  21       
203 King, Brandon                Viera Charte                   28:13.70  21 136   
204 Hoffman, Aidan               Viera Charte                   28:15.10  21       
205 Penn, Nolan                  Melbourne Ce                   28:17.10  21       
206 Khan, Abdal                  Vero Beach HS                  28:25.30  21       
207 Baldonza, Mosies             Rockledge HS                   28:25.50  21 137   
208 James, Ryan                  Father Lopez                   28:31.70  21       
209 Higley, Hayden               The Pine School                28:45.10  21       
210 Kirkendall, David            Melbourne Ce                   29:04.10  21       
211 Heckel, Jaelen               Holy Trinity                   29:05.50  22 138   
212 Valentin, Victor             Viera Charte                   29:10.50  22       
213 Johnsen, Jared               Father Lopez                   29:27.20  22       
214 Rethwisch, Carl              Holy Trinity                   29:28.70  22 139   
215 Pawlak, Eddie                Viera Charte                   29:32.50  22       
216 Wallace, Matthew             Jensen Beach HS                29:37.10  22 140   
217 Nguyen, Andy                 Edgewater HS                   29:59.40  22       
218 Hillary, Harlie              Vero Beach HS                  30:04.00  22       
219 Arnedo, John                 New Smyrna Beach HS            30:05.10  22       
220 Gingras, Nathan              Master's Academy               30:29.40  22       
221 Breznik, Lukas               Internationa                   30:31.00  23       
222 Sussan, Tom                  Father Lopez                   30:52.30  23       
223 Turner, Kobey                Palm Bay Her                   31:00.10  23       
224 Pagan, Max                   Holy Trinity                   31:03.30  23 141   
225 DeVries, Matthew             Melbourne Ce                   31:09.80  23       
226 Haak, Matthew                Circle Chris                   31:12.40  23 142   
227 Davis, Davyn                 Viera Charte                   31:13.00  23       
228 Redden, Sam                  Cocoa Beach HS                 31:25.70  23       
229 Mokiti, Bonolo               West Shore HS                  31:26.40  23       
230 Thomas, Noah                 West Shore HS                  31:37.00  23       
231 Smith, Max                   Martin County HS               31:40.70  24       
232 Nelson, Brock                Circle Chris                   31:50.40  24       
233 Ochipa, Emerson              Viera Charte                   31:57.80  24       
234 Pascarella, Logan            Mount Dora C                   31:58.80  24       
235 Isom, Jameson                West Shore HS                  32:00.00  24       
236 Henderson, Ryan              Viera Charte                   32:09.30  24       
237 Davis, Travis                Space Coast HS                 32:24.00  24       
238 Fonville, John               Bayside HS                     32:31.10  24       
239 Goropeuschek, Craig          Father Lopez                   32:48.40  24       
240 Grossman, Nick               Bayside HS                     32:50.50  24       
241 King, Gabe                   Martin County HS               33:01.00  25       
242 Strattan, Riley              Viera Charte                   33:03.20  25       
243 Miller, Nicolas              The Pine School                33:22.80  25       
244 Lauritsen, Andrew            Circle Chris                   33:25.00  25       
245 Kramer, Justin               John Carroll HS                33:27.60  25       
246 Seissiger, Dylan             John Carroll HS                33:29.20  25       
247 Bodi, David                  Ascension Catholic             33:53.30  25       
248 Daughtry, Kevon              Palm Bay Her                   33:53.40  25       
249 Page, Brennen                Circle Chris                   34:09.70  25       
250 Anton, Curtis                Jensen Beach HS                34:26.40  25 143   
251 Cobean, Thomas               New Smyrna Beach HS            34:34.30  26       
252 Cook, Ethan                  Viera Charte                   36:00.80  26       
253 Powell, William              Cocoa Beach HS                 36:04.30  26       
254 McCullum, Ottie              The Pine School                36:27.00  26       
255 Stusse, Nicholas             Covenant Chr                   36:40.50  26       
256 Priami, Luca                 Viera Charte                   36:48.70  26       
257 Araica, Enrique              Palm Bay Her                   37:13.50  26       
258 Gilbert, Matthew             Viera Charte                   37:20.10  26       
259 Hardy, Noah                  Edgewood Ms/Hs                 38:21.80  26       
260 Hoffman, Ethan               Viera Charte                   38:35.10  26       
261 Crow, Kaden                  Mount Dora C                   40:06.40  27       
262 Gander, Jack                 Ascension Catholic             40:14.80  27       
263 Cocoves, Nic                 Jensen Beach HS                40:20.80  27 144   
264 Boyd, James                  Viera Charte                   41:31.80  27       
265 Buffkin, Josh                Mount Dora C                   42:10.80  27       
266 Tudor, Jet                   Viera Charte                   42:15.20  27       
267 Larson, Matthew              Viera Charte                   42:15.90  27       
                                   Team Scores                                     
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9  
Results - Men                                                                      
   1 Martin County HS             35    2    3    8   10   12   19   51            
      Total Time:  1:36:44.00                                                      
         Average:    19:20.80                                                      
   2 Merritt Island HS            74    1    4    5   27   37   47   55            
      Total Time:  1:38:38.60                                                      
         Average:    19:43.72                                                      
   3 Mount Dora Christian Acad    83    6   11   15   21   30   43  103            
      Total Time:  1:39:37.60                                                      
         Average:    19:55.52                                                      
   4 Winter Springs HS           130    7   16   26   40   41   46  118            
      Total Time:  1:41:35.70                                                      
         Average:    20:19.14                                                      
   5 West Shore HS               133   17   22   23   33   38   63   79            
      Total Time:  1:42:02.20                                                      
         Average:    20:24.44                                                      
   6 Timber Creek HS             142    9   13   29   32   59   66   76            
      Total Time:  1:42:06.80                                                      
         Average:    20:25.36                                                      
   7 Titusville HS               201   24   25   34   54   64   70   93            
      Total Time:  1:45:02.61                                                      
         Average:    21:00.52                                                      
   8 Cocoa Beach HS              265   28   31   65   68   73   92  120            
      Total Time:  1:47:37.30                                                      
         Average:    21:31.46                                                      
   9 Melbourne Central Catholi   269   44   45   48   60   72   84   89            
      Total Time:  1:47:24.50                                                      
         Average:    21:28.90                                                      
  10 New Smyrna Beach HS         281   35   53   57   67   69   80  102            
      Total Time:  1:48:21.30                                                      
         Average:    21:40.26                                                      
  11 Trinity Prep                286   20   36   71   78   81   88   90            
      Total Time:  1:48:26.50                                                      
         Average:    21:41.30                                                      
  12 Viera HS                    290   18   42   56   74  100  113  134            
      Total Time:  1:49:06.30                                                      
         Average:    21:49.26                                                      
  13 Father Lopez Catholic HS    299   39   49   58   62   91   96   97            
      Total Time:  1:49:00.10                                                      
         Average:    21:48.02                                                      
  14 Vero Beach HS               381   50   52   82   86  111  112  115            
      Total Time:  1:53:32.30                                                      
         Average:    22:42.46                                                      
  15 Rockledge HS                427   14   87   94   95  137                      
      Total Time:  1:58:31.10                                                      
         Average:    23:42.22                                                      
  16 The Pine School             446   61   75   99  105  106  121  123            
      Total Time:  1:57:00.50                                                      
         Average:    23:24.10                                                      
  17 Circle Christian School     504   77   83  104  109  131  132  142            
      Total Time:  2:01:59.40                                                      
         Average:    24:23.88                                                      
  18 Viera Charter School        546   85   98  110  125  128  133  136            
      Total Time:  2:04:32.00                                                      
         Average:    24:54.40                                                      
  19 Ascension Catholic          565  101  107  116  119  122  124  126            
      Total Time:  2:05:42.60                                                      
         Average:    25:08.52                                                      
  20 Holy Trinity Academy        626  114  117  127  130  138  139  141            
      Total Time:  2:13:30.20                                                      
         Average:    26:42.04                                                      
  21 Jensen Beach HS             655  108  129  135  140  143  144                 
      Total Time:  2:23:41.50                                                      
         Average:    28:44.30