Lakeland City Meet 2019Lakeland, FL

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#8 Girls 800 Meters (Varsity) Start List

Section 1 of 2

Lane Athlete Team Seed
1 RUIZ, Alicia George Jenkins 2:18.98
2 MALICK, Kaleigh George Jenkins 2:32.98
3 WELLS, Vel'Lance Kathleen 2:33.92
4 MARCHELLETTA , Hope McKeel 2:35.69
5 MANNO, Viktorya George Jenkins 2:36.69
6 MILLER, Isabell George Jenkins 2:38.76
7 MUSSELMAN, Lauren George Jenkins 2:40.12
8 MILLER, Megan McKeel 2:48.57
9 KELLY, Jo'Kierra Kathleen 2:51.97
10 HARRINGTON, Sydney Lakeland 2:56.21
11 SANTIBANEZ, Sonia Kathleen 2:57.99
12 MAGUIRE, Caitlin George Jenkins 3:01.84
13 KARKI, Samixha George Jenkins 3:07.20
14 ANDERSON, Audri Lakeland Christian 3:14.88
15 CLINE, Lydia George Jenkins 3:19.22
16 RAMOS, Lilliana George Jenkins 3:24.44
17 BAKER, Ellie George Jenkins 3:25.36
18 TATEISHI, Erica George Jenkins 3:26.70

Section 2 of 2

Lane Athlete Team Seed
1 FALLAW, Rebecca McKeel 3:28.40
2 KERIAZES, Amelia Lakeland 3:29.25
3 LESLIE, Samantha Lakeland 3:30.95
4 DUNN, Torrie George Jenkins 3:36.32
5 AYCOCK, Isabelle Lakeland NT
6 BAYES, Lauren Lakeland Christian NT
7 DENSON, Riley Lakeland NT
8 FINCH, Sarah Santa Fe Catholic NT
9 HACKER , Chloe McKeel NT
10 JONES, Kassidy Santa Fe Catholic NT
11 MANN, Alayna McKeel NT
12 NEWLAND, Savanna McKeel NT
13 SCHILLER, Jillian Santa Fe Catholic NT
14 SHEMANSKY, Hannah Santa Fe Catholic NT
15 STREETS, Vivian Lakeland Christian NT
16 WATKINS, Ramsey Lakeland Christian NT
17 HERNENDEZ, sarah Santa Fe Catholic NT