39TH Annual Monteverde Academy Eagle Invite 2014

Licensed to Elite Timing & Event Management - Contractor License
                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 3/17/2014 06:02 PM
                    39th Montverde Invitational - 3/15/2014                    
                               Montverde Academy                               

Event 1  Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Paul, Sarai               12 Montverde Ac        15-04.00   15-08.00   10   
  2 Palmer, Allison           12 First Academ        15-01.50  J15-08.00    8   
  3 Mammoliti, Shannon        12 Montverde Ac        15-00.00   15-03.00    6   
  4 Aitken, Victoria          11 Mount Dora B        12-08.00   14-06.00    5   
  5 Bryant, Bridget           10 The Villages        13-10.00   13-00.00    4   
  6 Hercules, Danielle        10 Windermere P        13-04.25   12-10.00    3   
  7 Cox, Noelle                8 First Academ        12-05.00   12-07.00    2   
  8 Frazier, Alexandra         9 Mount Dora H        13-03.00  J12-07.00    1   
  9 Miceli, Danielle           9 Windermere P        13-00.00   12-04.00  
  9 March, Alexa              10 Windermere P        12-09.00   12-04.00  
 11 Valdez, Ariana             9 Windermere P        13-05.00   12-02.50  
 12 Outler, Bianca            10 Mount Dora H                   11-06.50  
 13 Pollard, Christina         9 First Academ         9-11.50    9-07.50  
 14 Jansen, Nicole            10 The Villages        12-08.00    8-08.00  

Event 2  Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Smith, Tavis              12 Mount Dora H                   20-06.00   10   
  2 Alleyne, Jacob            10 Mount Dora B        20-03.00   20-02.00    8   
  3 Patel, Sahil              12 Windermere P        18-06.00   18-09.00    6   
  4 Agbasimere, Franklin      12 Montverde Ac        20-04.00   18-06.00    5   
  5 Hooks, Anthony            11 The Geneva S        20-03.50  J18-06.00    4   
  6 Barnes, Duane             11 Mount Dora H        19-05.00   18-03.00    3   
  7 Brownsberger, Blaine      12 The Villages        16-07.75   17-11.50    2   
  8 Guilford, Peyton          12 Foundation A        18-07.50   17-09.50    1   
  9 Austad, Steven            11 Montverde Ac        15-01.25   16-11.00  
 10 Ford, Jayce               10 Windermere P        16-04.25   16-07.50  
 11 Marchionda, Connor         9 Orlando Chri        16-06.75   16-03.00  
 12 Frazier, Chrishon         12 Orlando Chri        17-05.50   16-01.00  
 13 Maki, Lane                   The Villages                   12-08.00  

Event 3  Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Hancock, Courtney         11 The Villages        28-03.25   31-08.00   10   
  2 Mammoliti, Shannon        12 Montverde Ac        31-00.00   29-02.00    8   
  3 Moore, Destinee           12 Mount Dora H        28-09.00   28-04.00    6   
  4 Brown, Kierston            9 Mount Dora H        28-11.00   27-05.00    5   
  5 Cowart, Madison           11 The Villages        24-00.25   26-08.75    4   

Event 4  Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Elliott, David            12 First Academ        39-03.00   42-06.00   10   
  2 Barnes, Duane             11 Mount Dora H                   41-06.50    8   
  3 Smith, Tavis              12 Mount Dora H        40-03.00   40-11.50    6   
  4 Alleyne, Jacob            10 Mount Dora B        41-00.00   40-08.00    5   
  5 Agbasimere, Franklin      12 Montverde Ac        41-01.50   39-05.00    4   
  6 Hooks, Anthony            11 The Geneva S                   39-02.00    3   
  7 Harris, Gavin             10 The Villages                   36-03.50    2   
  8 Brownsberger, Blaine      12 The Villages        33-08.25   35-01.00    1   
  9 Austad, Steven            11 Montverde Ac        34-02.75   33-03.50  
 10 Baker, Caleb               8 Mount Dora B                   32-02.50  

Event 5  Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Dewitt, Tiffany           11 Montverde Ac        29-11.00   29-02.00   10   
  2 Monn, Cooper               8 Mount Dora B        35-01.00   28-10.00    8   
  3 Fuller, Brooke            10 Mount Dora B        29-01.00   28-09.00    6   
  4 Johnson, Cara             11 Montverde Ac        22-04.00   24-07.00    5   
  5 Monn, Cape                10 Mount Dora B                   24-04.00    4   
  6 Trent, Antonia            11 The Villages        23-02.50   24-03.00    3   
  7 Toigo, Danielle            9 Mount Dora H                   22-07.00    2   
  8 Hiteshew, Madison          6 Mount Dora B        25-06.00   18-09.00    1   
  9 Dexter, Noelle             9 First Academ        18-08.00  J18-09.00  

Event 6  Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Petro, Josh               12 The Villages                   43-05.00   10   
  2 Bridges, Anthony          11 Foundation A        35-07.00   40-05.00    8   
  3 Heggie, Brett             10 Mount Dora H        38-04.00   38-07.00    6   
  4 Wong, Anthony             12 Wildwood Ms/        38-11.50   37-11.00    5   
  5 Frazier, Chrishon         12 Orlando Chri        35-07.25   36-11.00    4   
  6 Bergin, Chris             11 Windermere P                   33-08.00    3   
  7 Monteleone, Anthony       11 Montverde Ac        33-11.00   33-04.00    2   
  8 Shuler, Paul              12 Foundation A                   33-00.00    1   
  9 Yamin, Chase              12 Mount Dora H        31-05.50   32-11.00  
 10 Hardy, Stephen             9 First Academ        29-11.50   32-08.00  
 11 Hayes, Zach               11 Mount Dora H                   31-05.00  
 12 Mims, Trinity             10 Montverde Ac                   31-00.00  
 13 Fortune, Rahmad           10 Montverde Ac        30-08.00   29-03.00  
 14 Tims, Zion                 9 Windermere P        27-04.00   28-09.00  
 15 Smith, Riley              10 Mount Dora H        27-04.50   28-03.00  
 16 Dewitt, Tyler             10 Montverde Ac                   25-03.00  

Event 7  Girls Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Hiteshew, Jessie          10 Mount Dora B          107-05     111-01   10   
  2 Monn, Cooper               8 Mount Dora B           94-01      98-00    8   
  3 Baker, Mikayla            12 Mount Dora B           92-11      91-09    6   
  4 Hiteshew, Madison          6 Mount Dora B           78-04      76-10    5   
  5 Dewitt, Tiffany           11 Montverde Ac           76-04      75-02    4   
  6 Trent, Antonia            11 The Villages           70-02      74-11    3   
  7 Johnson, Cara             11 Montverde Ac           59-05      70-11    2   
  8 Dougherty, Kathryn        12 The Villages           59-08      52-08    1   
  9 Toigo, Danielle            9 Mount Dora H           59-07      52-02  
 10 Dexter, Noelle             9 First Academ           45-05      50-02  

Event 8  Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Petro, Josh               12 The Villages                     141-04   10   
  2 Monteleone, Anthony       11 Montverde Ac           89-07     105-08    8   
  3 Yamin, Chase              12 Mount Dora H          104-00     104-08    6   
  4 Jackson, Troy             11 The Geneva S          100-00      98-03    5   
  5 Baker, Caleb               8 Mount Dora B           95-03      95-03    4   
  6 Mims, Trinity             10 Montverde Ac          100-02      90-04    3   
  7 Carlyle, Bryce            10 The Villages           87-02      87-01    2   
  8 Heggie, Brett             10 Mount Dora H                      76-01    1   
  9 Hayes, Zach               11 Mount Dora H           83-07      74-04  
 10 Johnson, Juwan             9 Mount Dora H           68-00      73-04  
 11 Tims, Zion                 9 Windermere P           42-03      71-05  
 12 Fortune, Rahmad           10 Montverde Ac                      70-10  
 13 Bergin, Chris             11 Windermere P                      60-01  
 14 Dewitt, Tyler             10 Montverde Ac                      51-03  

Event 9  Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Hancock, Courtney         11 The Villages         5-00.00    4-10.00   10   
  2 Reilly, Dylan             12 Mount Dora H         4-02.00    4-08.00    8   
  3 Larry, A'Yanna             9 Mount Dora H         4-04.00    4-04.00    6   
  4 Miceli, Danielle           9 Windermere P         4-02.00   J4-04.00    5   
  5 Kiely, Kate               11 Windermere P         4-02.00    4-02.00    3.50
  5 Hall, Lexi                10 The Villages         4-06.00    4-02.00    3.50
  7 Aitken, Victoria          11 Mount Dora B         4-04.00   J4-02.00    2   
  8 Routzahn, Stephanie       11 The Villages         4-02.00    3-10.00    1   

Event 10  Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Malone, Tahj              11 Montverde Ac         6-02.00    6-02.00   10   
  2 Brown, Jeremiah           11 Mount Dora H         6-00.00    5-10.00    8   
  3 Jackson, Troy             11 The Geneva S         6-02.00   J5-10.00    6   
  4 Smith, Tavis              12 Mount Dora H         5-06.00   J5-10.00    5   
  5 Patel, Sahil              12 Windermere P         5-06.00    5-06.00    4   
  6 Brownsberger, Blaine      12 The Villages         5-02.00    5-02.00    3   
  7 Frazier, Chrishon         12 Orlando Chri         5-02.00   J5-02.00    2   
  8 Harrison, Eric            11 Mount Dora B         5-00.00    5-00.00    1   
 -- Baker, Caleb               8 Mount Dora B         5-00.00         NH  

Event 11  Girls Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Baker, Mikayla            12 Mount Dora B         6-06.00    8-00.00   10   
  2 Rotti, Bethany            12 Mount Dora B                    6-06.00    7   
  2 Elenz, Molly               8 Mount Dora B         7-06.00    6-06.00    7   
  4 Brown, Kierston            9 Mount Dora H                    5-06.00    4.50
  4 Sherman, Tabitha          10 Mount Dora B         6-00.00    5-06.00    4.50
  6 Tari, Reva                12 Mount Dora H                    4-06.00    3   

Event 12  Boys Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Weld, Tristan             11 Mount Dora H        10-00.00    9-00.00    9   
  1 Fransenberg, Lucke        10 Mount Dora H         9-00.00    9-00.00    9   
  3 Harwell, Chase             8 Mount Dora B         6-06.00    7-00.00    6   
  4 Bevill, Coleman            8 Mount Dora B         6-06.00    6-06.00    5   
  5 Maley, Ryan                8 Mount Dora B                    5-06.00    4   

Event 13  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Mount Dora Bible School  'A'                     10:38.10   10:27.10   10   
  2 The Villages HS  'A'                             11:40.89   11:09.10    8   
  3 The Geneva School  'A'                           10:56.30   11:34.80    6   
  4 Montverde Academy  'A'                           11:48.99   12:05.40    5   
  5 Mount Dora HS  'A'                               11:51.01   12:17.30    4   

Event 14  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Montverde Academy  'A'                            9:15.28    8:43.10   10   
  2 The Villages HS  'A'                              9:10.04    8:44.90    8   
  3 Mount Dora HS  'A'                                9:24.04    9:12.90    6   
  4 The Geneva School  'A'                            9:20.00    9:57.00    5   
  5 First Academy of Leesburg  'A'                              10:46.30    4   

Event 15  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Hevey, Cheyanne           11 Foundation A           16.16      16.34   1  10   
  2 Bryant, Bridget           10 The Villages           17.77      18.04   1   8   
  3 Reilly, Dylan             12 Mount Dora H           19.27      19.01   1   6   
  4 Muns, Leksi               12 The Villages           19.22      19.46   1   5   
  5 Scarbrough, Delaney        9 First Academ           19.28      20.14   1   4   
  6 Pope, Lillie               9 First Academ           19.22      20.28   1   3   
  7 Perez, YaJaira            12 The Villages           20.77      20.78   1   2   
  8 Rodriguez, Raylianne       7 Orlando Chri           21.19      20.82   1   1   
  9 Moore, Renee               9 Mount Dora H           22.38      21.49   2 
 10 Mason, Rebecca            10 Montverde Ac           22.92      21.96   2 
 11 Van Wart, Rebecca         10 The Villages                      22.41   2 
 12 Kuk, Alexa                12 Montverde Ac           22.36      22.44   2 
 -- Tishler, Ali               9 Orlando Chri                        DNS   2 

Event 16  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Wong, Anthony             12 Wildwood Ms/           16.34      16.78   1  10   
  2 Harris, Gavin             10 The Villages           17.11      17.32   1   8   
  3 Brown, Taylor             12 The Villages           17.70      18.82   1   6   
  4 Stuff, Andrew             12 Mount Dora H           18.11      19.28   1   5   
  5 Frazier, Chrishon         12 Orlando Chri           18.07      19.61   1   4   
  6 Peele, Allen              11 Mount Dora H           20.09      20.52   1   3   
  7 Mitchell, Marquice        12 Wildwood Ms/           19.52      21.17   1   2   
  8 Kautzer, Austin           12 Mount Dora H           21.71      22.04   2   1   
  9 Baltadano, Luis           10 Foundation A           21.23      25.14   2 
 10 Smith, Deshawn             7 Orlando Chri                      28.55   2 
 -- Jabbour, Raymond          12 Mount Dora H           20.67        DNS   1 

Event 17  Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Paul, Sarai               12 Montverde Ac           13.48      13.36   1  10   
  2 Mills, Chandra            11 First Academ           13.34      13.38   1   8   
  3 D'Orazio, Elicia          12 Montverde Ac           13.61      13.41   2   6   
  4 Thomas, Gabriella          9 Montverde Ac           13.16      13.47   1   5   
  5 Chew, Abby                12 The Geneva S           13.61      13.55   2   4   
  6 Duran, Taylor             10 Windermere P           13.40      13.83   1   3   
  7 Valdez, Ariana             9 Windermere P           13.50      13.85   1   2   
  8 Character, Alexia         11 The Villages           13.93      14.06   2   1   
  9 Ruiz, Jessica              9 Mount Dora H           14.17      14.11   2 
 10 Simmons, Brianna          12 Windermere P                      14.12   4 
 11 Brown, Shelby             12 The Villages           13.99      14.16   2 
 12 Fowler, Witney            10 The Villages           14.24      14.34   2 
 13 Frymier, Joy               9 First Academ           14.25      14.54   2 
 14 Belcher, Mariah            9 Mount Dora H           12.61      14.56   1 
 15 Wilson, Courtney           8 Wildwood Ms/           14.97      14.57   3 
 16 Aitken, Victoria          11 Mount Dora B           15.07      14.62   3 
 17 McGee, Precious           12 Mount Dora H           14.26      14.91   3 
 18 Hodge, Destiny            10 Mount Dora H           13.77      15.00   2 
 19 Williams, Alysia           9 Wildwood Ms/           14.78      15.05   3 
 20 Rodriguez, Raylianne       7 Orlando Chri           14.81      15.11   3 
 21 Muse, Raven                7 Wildwood Ms/           13.48      15.17   1 
 22 Gordon, Lexi               9 The Geneva S           14.76      15.26   3 
 23 Radnothy, Victoria         8 Mount Dora B           14.93      15.28   3 
 24 March, Alexa              10 Windermere P           13.60      15.30   1 
 25 Pelfrey, Taylor           11 First Academ                      15.59   4 
 26 Allen, Monique            11 The Villages           16.50      15.61   4 
 26 Bilbrey, Jessica           8 First Academ           15.03      15.61   3 
 28 Tishler, Ali               9 Orlando Chri                      15.65   4 
 29 Taylor, Alexis            10 Foundation A                      16.02   4 
 30 Rotti, Bethany            12 Mount Dora B                      16.76   4 

Event 18  Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Manning, Morris           11 Mount Dora H           11.24      11.73   1  10   
  2 Elliott, David            12 First Academ                      11.78   3   8   
  3 Byers, Dangelo            11 Foundation A           11.92      11.93   1   6   
  4 Sanders, Stevonta          9 Wildwood Ms/           11.64      12.01   1   5   
  5 Rodarte, Damoni           11 Orlando Chri           12.05      12.04   1   4   
  6 McKay, Erik               10 First Academ           11.60      12.20   1   3   
  7 Granjean, Christopher     11 Windermere P           12.60      12.46   2   2   
  8 Webber, Jordan             8 Orlando Chri                      12.66   3   1   
  9 Bridges, Anthony          11 Foundation A                      12.67   3 
  9 Axson, Lance               8 Foundation A           12.54      12.67   2 
 11 Ford, Jayce               10 Windermere P           12.60      12.88   2 
 12 Heaney, Zack              10 Windermere P           12.60      13.31   2 
 13 Lachnicht, Brian           9 The Villages           14.00      14.05   2 
 14 Harrison, Eric            11 Mount Dora B           12.98      14.11   2 
 -- Delfin, Joel              10 The Villages           14.00        DNS   2 
 -- Pierre, Jasper             9 Mount Dora B           12.22        DNS   1 
 -- Hayes, Zach               11 Mount Dora H           12.08        DNS   1 
 -- Irvin, Denzel             12 Foundation A           12.36        DNS   2 
 -- Miller, Bj                 6 Orlando Chri                        DNS   3 
 -- Synder, Justin             7 Orlando Chri                        DNS   3 
 -- Porter, Jordan            12 Mount Dora H           12.11        DNS   1 

Event 19  Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Clark, Rebecca             7 Mount Dora B         5:20.14    5:23.62   10   
  2 Hopkins, Ciara            11 Montverde Ac         5:44.43    5:45.85    8   
  3 Kennedy, Caroline          7 First Academ         6:18.49    6:03.88    6   
  4 Cloke, Moira              11 The Geneva S         6:14.73    6:11.19    5   
  5 Fairchild, Sarah          11 The Villages         6:17.04    6:11.22    4   
  6 Goble, Cassidy             9 The Geneva S         6:15.05    6:11.72    3   
  7 Rifai, Maya                9 Montverde Ac         6:30.48    6:24.87    2   
  8 Tucker, Madison           11 The Villages                    6:29.57    1   
  9 Petersen, Kourtney        11 The Villages         6:34.97    6:30.83  
 10 Wallace, Alexis           10 Mount Dora H         6:34.14    6:33.01  
 11 Herrera-Paz, Andrea        9 Mount Dora H         6:36.81    6:36.45  
 12 Sloan, Carrie              9 The Geneva S         6:25.00    6:40.04  
 13 Gonzalez, Sophia           9 Mount Dora B         6:25.01    6:43.50  
 14 Arvelo, Amanda             9 Mount Dora H         7:01.00    7:09.54  
 15 Hall, Lexi                10 The Villages         6:35.60    7:09.94  
 16 Winslow, Riley             6 Foundation A         7:05.62    7:12.01  
 17 Sherman, Tabitha          10 Mount Dora B         6:17.46    7:13.73  
 18 Lee, Morgan               12 Mount Dora B         7:22.11    7:14.99  
 -- Adkins, Addison            8 Montverde Ac         6:30.00        DNS  

Event 20  Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Clark, Troy               12 Mount Dora B         4:49.30    4:40.30   10   
  2 Bergin, Conner            12 Montverde Ac         4:42.58    4:48.40    8   
  3 Valiquette, Ryder          8 Montverde Ac         4:52.84    4:58.60    6   
  4 Davis, Asher              11 The Geneva S         5:05.00    4:59.50    5   
  5 Pederson, Luke            11 The Geneva S         5:05.00    5:00.70    4   
  6 Walia, Paul               12 Windermere P         4:59.00    5:02.10    3   
  7 Brodrecht, Ethan          10 The Geneva S         5:05.00    5:05.60    2   
  8 Rader, Ben                 9 The Geneva S         5:05.00    5:07.50    1   
  9 Bonilla, Anthony          11 Orlando Chri                    5:07.90  
 10 Scott, Daniel             12 Mount Dora H         5:16.76    5:10.40  
 11 Soto, Rene                12 Mount Dora B         5:18.75    5:20.20  
 12 Kazmier, Kyle             10 First Academ         5:29.55    5:26.10  
 13 Kinkead, Jude              9 Montverde Ac         5:29.00    5:26.60  
 14 McGann, Conor              9 The Villages         5:17.50    5:27.20  
 15 Appleby, Timothy           9 Mount Dora H         5:27.00    5:43.40  
 16 Boughton, Christopher     11 Mount Dora H         6:05.94    6:10.10  
 17 Gonzales, Jacob            9 Orlando Chri         6:52.54    7:12.00  
 -- Ferrell-Clegg, Keagen     10 Montverde Ac         6:29.00        DNS  
 -- Stamper, Christopher      10 The Villages                        DNS  

Event 21  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 First Academy of Leesburg  'A'                      55.43      53.22   10   
  2 Mount Dora HS  'A'                                  53.76      53.24    8   
  3 Windermere Prep  'A'                                55.00      53.38    6   
  4 The Villages HS  'A'                                55.33      54.95    5   
  5 Mount Dora Bible School  'A'                        51.04      57.13    4   
 -- Wildwood Ms/Hs  'A'                                 57.94        DNS  

Event 22  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Wildwood Ms/Hs  'A'                                 45.20      45.42   10   
  2 Windermere Prep  'A'                                47.08      47.73    8   
  3 Orlando Christian Prep  'A'                         47.20      49.12    6   
  4 Mount Dora Bible School  'A'                        55.22      53.99    5   
 -- Foundation Academy  'A'                             47.47         DQ  
 -- Mount Dora HS  'A'                                  45.09        DNS  
 -- The Villages HS  'A'                                48.57        DNS  

Event 23  Girls 400 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Kiely, Kate               11 Windermere P         1:03.00    1:04.18   1  10   
  2 Boshell, Hunter           11 Montverde Ac         1:10.37    1:08.79   1   8   
  3 Cox, Noelle                8 First Academ         1:12.29    1:10.03   1   6   
  4 Repollo, Loren             9 Mount Dora H         1:10.23    1:10.18   1   5   
  5 Dechathipat, Parinda      10 Montverde Ac         1:12.73    1:10.42   2   4   
  6 Jansen, Nicole            10 The Villages         1:14.54    1:10.51   2   3   
  7 Saulsbury, Regan           6 Mount Dora B         1:12.55    1:12.80   1   2   
  8 Williams, Alysia           9 Wildwood Ms/         1:17.48    1:13.96   3   1   
  9 Orlando, Gabbi             9 Windermere P         1:15.00    1:14.63   2 
 10 Cowart, Madison           11 The Villages         1:17.00    1:17.41   2 
 11 DeLeon, Paloma            10 Mount Dora B         1:25.37    1:21.79   3 
 12 Pleau, Nicole             12 Windermere P         1:33.96    1:27.95   3 
 -- Muse, Raven                7 Wildwood Ms/         1:09.75        DNS   1 
 -- Campbell, Kate            10 Foundation A         1:07.27        DNS   1 
 -- Hodge, Destiny            10 Mount Dora H         1:14.00        DNS   2 
 -- Ruiz, Jessica              9 Mount Dora H         1:15.00        DNS   2 
 -- Hall, Charkeveia          10 Mount Dora H         1:10.00        DNS   1 

Event 24  Boys 400 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Elliott, David            12 First Academ           51.96      50.58   1  10   
  2 Prince, Jordan            11 The Geneva S           52.04      51.40   1   8   
  3 Barnes, Duane             11 Mount Dora H           56.10      51.97   2   6   
  4 Fisher, Jake              11 The Villages           53.09      52.05   1   5   
  5 Porter, Jordan            12 Mount Dora H           53.26      52.37   1   4   
  6 Byers, Dangelo            11 Foundation A           53.72      56.10   1   3   
  7 Guilford, Peyton          12 Foundation A           56.39      56.32   2   2   
  8 Agbasimere, Franklin      12 Montverde Ac                      56.77   3   1   
  9 Scollo, Lawrence          12 Mount Dora H           56.93      57.41   2 
 10 Hadley, Will               9 Mount Dora B         1:01.12      58.70   2 
 11 Mohammed, Noah             9 Windermere P         1:05.00      59.44   2 
 12 Khanna, Deven                Windermere P         1:05.00    1:00.58   2 
 13 Miller, Hunter             9 The Geneva S           59.86    1:00.69   2 
 14 Brown, Conrad             11 Foundation A                    1:01.66   3 
 15 Sanders, Stevonta          9 Wildwood Ms/           53.70    1:02.58   1 
 16 Scott, Jacoby              7 First Academ         1:09.13    1:06.79   2 
 17 Marano, Noah               8 Orlando Chri         1:14.27    1:14.00   3 
 18 Smith, Tavis              12 Mount Dora H                    1:15.32   3 
 19 Soto, Justice              9 The Geneva S                    1:23.13   3 
 -- Pew, Dionte               11 Wildwood Ms/           54.60        DNS   1 
 -- Marchionda, Connor         9 Orlando Chri                        DNS   3 
 -- Miller, Bj                 6 Orlando Chri                        DNS   3 
 -- Graham, Devin             11 Wildwood Ms/           52.70        DNS   1 

Event 25  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Hiteshew, Jessie          10 Mount Dora B           52.22      51.64   1  10   
  2 Bryant, Bridget           10 The Villages           54.36      52.54   1   8   
  3 Scarbrough, Delaney        9 First Academ           54.08      54.20   1   6   
  4 Muns, Leksi               12 The Villages           56.01      54.70   1   5   
  5 Reilly, Dylan             12 Mount Dora H           56.18      55.25   1   4   
  6 Casey, Sage                9 Windermere P         1:00.14      57.25   1   3   
  7 Perez, YaJaira            12 The Villages           59.03      57.92   1   2   
  8 Pope, Lillie               9 First Academ                      59.44   2   1   
  9 March, Alexa              10 Windermere P         1:02.67    1:01.39   2 
 10 Van Wart, Rebecca         10 The Villages         1:01.91    1:02.90   1 
 11 Kuk, Alexa                12 Montverde Ac         1:02.02    1:05.53   2 
 -- Collicco, Chelesta        12 Orlando Chri                        DNS   2 
 -- Rodriguez, Raylianne       7 Orlando Chri                        DNS   2 

Event 26  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Harris, Gavin             10 The Villages           44.13      44.27   1  10   
  2 Wong, Anthony             12 Wildwood Ms/           44.60      47.54   1   8   
  3 Mitchell, Marquice        12 Wildwood Ms/           47.03      48.80   1   6   
  4 Brown, Taylor             12 The Villages           47.85      49.91   1   5   
  5 Peele, Allen              11 Mount Dora H                      50.44   2   4   
  6 Baltadano, Luis           10 Foundation A                      50.47   2   3   
  7 Stuff, Andrew             12 Mount Dora H           47.63      50.51   1   2   
  8 Yamin, Chase              12 Mount Dora H           48.96      50.59   1   1   
  9 Kautzer, Austin           12 Mount Dora H           52.82      52.97   2 
 10 Brown, Corbin              9 The Villages           54.44      55.90   2 
 -- Frazier, Chrishon         12 Orlando Chri           50.87        DNS   1 
 -- Ciceri, Tristan           11 First Academ           47.83        DNS   1 
 -- Smith, Deshawn             7 Orlando Chri         1:07.61        DNS   2 
 -- Rodriguez, Raymond         6 Orlando Chri         1:02.44        DNS   2 

Event 27  Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Cooney, Madison           12 Mount Dora B         2:39.45    2:35.87   1  10   
  2 Hopkins, Ciara            11 Montverde Ac         2:36.00    2:36.45   1   8   
  3 Downward, Shelley         10 The Geneva S         2:39.66    2:39.48   1   6   
  4 Kiely, Kate               11 Windermere P         2:40.00    2:42.17   1   5   
  5 Campbell, Kate            10 Foundation A                    2:51.57   2   4   
  6 Bugg, Sydney               6 Mount Dora B         2:56.12    2:55.38   1   3   
  7 Rifai, Maya                9 Montverde Ac         2:44.00    2:56.36   1   2   
  8 Orlando, Gabbi             9 Windermere P         2:50.00    2:56.79   1   1   
  9 Bruce, Katlynn            11 The Geneva S         2:52.29    2:57.67   1 
 10 Affatato, Sara             9 Mount Dora H         3:01.86    3:02.55   2 
 11 Vargas, Emma              10 The Geneva S         3:04.40    3:08.29   2 
 12 Attaway, Lindsey          10 The Villages         3:16.27    3:09.01   2 
 13 Young, Olivia              8 Montverde Ac         3:08.07    3:10.29   2 
 14 Winslow, Riley             6 Foundation A         3:19.27    3:12.70   2 
 15 Moseler, Peyton            6 Orlando Chri         3:23.60    3:13.07   2 
 16 Arvelo, Amanda             9 Mount Dora H         3:15.00    3:13.50   2 
 17 Lee, Morgan               12 Mount Dora B         2:53.45    3:13.94   1 
 18 Chase, Ashley              7 Foundation A         3:12.97    3:18.58   2 
 19 Mason, Emily              12 First Academ         3:23.65    3:28.57   2 
 20 Hassell, Morgan           10 Foundation A                    4:08.82   2 
 -- Gonzalez, Sophia           9 Mount Dora B         2:59.80        DNS   1 
 -- Adkins, Addison            8 Montverde Ac         3:14.28        DNS   2 
 -- Turner, Kewana             9 Mount Dora H         2:57.86        DNS   1 
 -- Findley, Meredith         12 Mount Dora H         2:51.83        DNS   1 

Event 28  Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Katynski, Kola            10 The Geneva S         2:03.76    2:05.30   1  10   
  2 Elliott, David            12 First Academ         2:10.32    2:07.94   1   8   
  3 Bergin, Conner            12 Montverde Ac         2:09.89    2:08.90   1   6   
  4 Attaway, Stephen          11 The Villages         2:10.76    2:12.11   1   5   
  5 Rader, Austin             11 The Geneva S         2:06.00    2:13.39   1   4   
  6 Walia, Paul               12 Windermere P         2:10.00    2:14.22   1   3   
  7 Valiquette, Ryder          8 Montverde Ac         2:10.63    2:20.69   1   2   
  8 Bonilla, Anthony          11 Orlando Chri         2:11.02    2:25.45   1   1   
  9 Woods, Colton              9 The Villages         2:38.13    2:25.56   2 
 10 Aviles, Saul              10 Montverde Ac         2:26.17    2:26.69   1 
 11 Kinkead, Jude              9 Montverde Ac         2:30.38    2:29.10   2 
 12 Appleby, Timothy           9 Mount Dora H         2:38.95    2:31.17   2 
 13 Brown, Jeremiah           11 Mount Dora H                    2:32.41   2 
 14 Dunnavan, Dane             9 The Geneva S         2:23.17    2:33.86   1 
 15 Brown, Ronald              8 Orlando Chri         2:51.82    2:36.22   2 
 16 Lee, Sahwae                7 First Academ         2:40.10    2:42.46   2 
 17 Soto, Rene                12 Mount Dora B         2:24.33    2:44.44   1 
 18 Heeley, Conor              9 The Geneva S         2:25.00    2:47.69   1 
 19 Goodwin, Grant            10 First Academ         2:46.43    2:49.63   2 
 20 Gonzales, Jacob            9 Orlando Chri         3:16.18    3:06.29   2 
 -- Gause, Morton             12 First Academ         2:33.86        DNS   2 
 -- Hyland, Matt              11 Mount Dora H                        DNS   2 
 -- Fransenberg, Lucke        10 Mount Dora H                        DNS   2 
 -- Barker, Jordan             9 The Villages         2:50.64        DNS   2 

Event 29  Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Paul, Sarai               12 Montverde Ac           27.85      27.59   1  10   
  2 Thomas, Gabriella          9 Montverde Ac           28.27      27.77   1   8   
  3 D'Orazio, Elicia          12 Montverde Ac           28.31      28.11   1   6   
  4 Chew, Abby                12 The Geneva S           28.16      28.31   1   5   
  5 Duran, Taylor             10 Windermere P           28.50      28.67   1   4   
  6 Frazier, Alexandra         9 Mount Dora H           28.37      28.75   1   3   
  7 Hercules, Danielle        10 Windermere P           29.38      28.98   2   2   
  8 Hiteshew, Jessie          10 Mount Dora B           29.56      29.19   2   1   
  9 Ruiz, Jessica              9 Mount Dora H           32.00      30.74   3 
 10 Belcher, Mariah            9 Mount Dora H           27.45      31.03   1 
 11 Monn, Cooper               8 Mount Dora B                      31.71   4 
 12 Rodriguez, Raylianne       7 Orlando Chri           31.18      32.10   2 
 13 Gordon, Lexi               9 The Geneva S           31.49      32.28   2 
 14 Bilbrey, Jessica           8 First Academ           32.68      32.64   3 
 15 Radnothy, Victoria         8 Mount Dora B           31.95      32.99   3 
 16 Allen, Monique            11 The Villages           34.00      33.43   4 
 17 Carrasco, Mikhala          9 Mount Dora B           34.46      33.75   4 
 18 Frymier, Joy               9 First Academ           31.79      33.89   2 
 19 Wilson, Courtney           8 Wildwood Ms/           32.02      35.20   3 
 -- Character, Alexia         11 The Villages           28.50        DNS   1 
 -- Muse, Raven                7 Wildwood Ms/           29.18        DNS   2 
 -- Williams, Alysia           9 Wildwood Ms/           31.80        DNS   2 
 -- Duval, Tyler              11 The Villages           32.15        DNS   3 
 -- Hodge, Destiny            10 Mount Dora H           32.60        DNS   3 
 -- Collicco, Chelesta        12 Orlando Chri           32.87        DNS   3 
 -- Pelfrey, Taylor           11 First Academ           33.26        DNS   3 
 -- Taylor, Alexis            10 Foundation A                        DNS   4 
 -- Tishler, Ali               9 Orlando Chri                        DNS   4 
 -- Brown, Shelby             12 The Villages           29.85        DNS   2 
 -- Meijas, Daneris            9 Orlando Chri                        DNS   4 

Event 30  Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Porter, Jordan            12 Mount Dora H           23.73      23.08   1  10   
  2 Prince, Jordan            11 The Geneva S           23.52      23.47   1   8   
  3 Manning, Morris           11 Mount Dora H           23.99      23.78   1   6   
  4 Graham, Devin             11 Wildwood Ms/           23.35      23.98   1   5   
  5 Hooks, Anthony            11 The Geneva S           24.33      24.52   1   4   
  6 Agbasimere, Franklin      12 Montverde Ac           24.72      24.54   1   3   
  7 McKay, Erik               10 First Academ           23.96      24.70   1   2   
  8 Sanders, Stevonta          9 Wildwood Ms/           24.18      24.73   1   1   
  9 Irvin, Denzel             12 Foundation A           25.32      26.00   2 
 10 Bridges, Anthony          11 Foundation A           27.60      26.38   3 
 11 Frazier, Christian         9 Orlando Chri           26.87      26.68   2 
 12 Heaney, Zack              10 Windermere P           25.00      26.87   2 
 13 Khanna, Deven                Windermere P           26.00      26.96   2 
 14 DiLilillo, Fabio          11 Windermere P           27.76      27.01   3 
 15 Webber, Jordan             8 Orlando Chri           26.65      27.13   2 
 16 Hadley, Will               9 Mount Dora B           27.84      27.17   3 
 17 Hayes, Zach               11 Mount Dora H                      27.37   3 
 18 Delfin, Joel              10 The Villages           28.00      29.84   3 
 19 Lachnicht, Brian           9 The Villages           28.00      29.92   3 
 20 Marchionda, Connor         9 Orlando Chri                      35.47   3 
 -- Rodarte, Damoni           11 Orlando Chri                        DNS   4 
 -- Brown, Conrad             11 Foundation A                        DNS   4 
 -- Ford, Jayce               10 Windermere P           25.00        DNS   2 
 -- Pierre, Jasper             9 Mount Dora B           25.57        DNS   2 
 -- Falarski, John            11 Mount Dora H           27.21        DNS   3 
 -- Guilford, Peyton          12 Foundation A                        DNS   4 
 -- Austad, Steven            11 Montverde Ac           27.08        DNS   2 

Event 31  Girls 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Clark, Rebecca             7 Mount Dora B        11:39.46   11:50.30   10   
  2 McKinney, Christina       12 Mount Dora B        11:49.56   12:03.74    8   
  3 Van Wart, Rachel          10 The Villages        13:19.66   13:24.33    6   
 -- Petersen, Kourtney        11 The Villages        14:19.36        DNS  
 -- Tucker, Madison           11 The Villages        14:31.23        DNS  
 -- Walton, A'Yonnie           9 Mount Dora H        15:00.00        DNS  
 -- Young, Olivia              8 Montverde Ac                        DNS  
 -- Fairchild, Sarah          11 The Villages                        DNS  

Event 32  Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Davis, Isak               11 The Geneva S        10:14.77   10:15.02   10   
  2 Clark, Troy               12 Mount Dora B        10:10.26   10:24.37    8   
  3 Sanchez, Edward           11 The Villages        10:28.08   10:32.08    6   
  4 Chavis, Hunter             9 Mount Dora H        11:11.46   10:49.29    5   
  5 Davis, Asher              11 The Geneva S        11:15.00   11:06.07    4   
  6 Stoffer, Jacob            11 The Villages        11:01.71   11:09.77    3   
  7 Soto, Rene                12 Mount Dora B                   12:17.14    2   
  8 Aviles, Saul              10 Montverde Ac                   13:35.06    1   
  9 Rudinsky, Jordan           9 The Villages        14:03.98   13:42.78  
 10 Murphy, Quinn              8 Montverde Ac                   14:27.18  
 11 Moseler, Logan               Orlando Chri                   14:52.63  
 -- Rader, Ben                 9 The Geneva S        11:15.00        DNS  

Event 33  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Montverde Academy  'A'                                       4:34.24   10   
  2 Mount Dora HS  'A'                                4:44.10    4:34.93    8   
  3 First Academy of Leesburg  'A'                    4:38.45    4:36.47    6   
  4 The Villages HS  'A'                              4:40.22    4:38.84    5   
  5 Windermere Prep  'A'                              4:46.92    4:45.21    4   
  6 Mount Dora Bible School  'A'                      5:20.09    5:09.69    3   

Event 34  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Mount Dora HS  'A'                                4:03.24    3:35.97   10   
  2 The Villages HS  'A'                              3:53.40    3:51.74    8   
  3 Wildwood Ms/Hs  'A'                               3:46.53    3:55.65    6   
  4 Windermere Prep  'A'                              3:42.00    4:00.31    5   
 -- Orlando Christian Prep  'A'                       4:17.84        DNS  

                    Women - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Mount Dora Bible School    154.50     2) Montverde Academy         137   
    3) The Villages HS            102.50     4) Mount Dora HS              73.50
    5) First Academy of Leesburg   60        6) Windermere Prep            51.50
    7) The Geneva School           29        8) Foundation Academy         14   
    9) Wildwood MS/HS               1        9) Orlando Christian Prep      1   

                    Men - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Mount Dora HS              144        2) The Villages HS            94   
    3) The Geneva School           83        4) Montverde Academy          69   
    5) Wildwood MS/HS              58        5) Mount Dora Bible School    58   
    7) First Academy of Leesburg   45        8) Windermere Prep            34   
    9) Foundation Academy          24       10) Orlando Christian Prep     22
