41st Montverde Eagle Invite 2016


Licensed to Elite Timing & Event Management - Contractor License
                                        HY-TEK's Meet Manager 3/5/2016 05:52 PM
                    41st Montverde Invitational - 3/5/2016                     
                               Montverde Academy                               
Event 1  Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Romain, Anysia            12 Ridge Commun        15-09.00   15-01.50   10   
  2 Frymier, Joy              11 First Academ        14-08.75   14-04.50    8   
  3 Thornton, Marlo            9 Montverde Ac        14-10.75   14-01.00    6   
  4 Lord, Reilley             12 Foundation A        13-09.50   14-00.00    5   
  5 Liu, Sunny                12 The Villages        13-03.00   13-01.00    4   
  6 Dugan, Olivia              9 The Master's                  J13-01.00    3   
  7 Vanwart, Rebecca          12 The Villages        12-01.00   13-00.00    2   
  8 Perez, YaJaira            12 The Villages        13-03.00   12-03.00    1   
  9 Vargas, Martina           10 Trinity Cath        13-05.00   12-00.75  
 10 Brock, Chase               9 Mount Dora C                   12-00.25  
 11 Pelski, Peyton             9 Trinity Cath        12-11.00   11-04.50  
 12 Meadows, Chloe            10 The Master's                   11-01.50  
Event 2  Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Alleyne, Jacob            12 Mount Dora C        20-06.00   20-09.00   10   
  2 Thornton, Monroe          12 Newberry HS         19-06.50   19-03.00    8   
  3 Nix, Rico                 12 Mount Dora H        18-09.00   19-02.00    6   
  4 Reyelts, Josh             12 The Master's                   18-06.50    5   
  5 Morgan, Chris             12 Orangewood C        18-05.00   18-06.00    4   
  6 Conway, Chris             11 Mount Dora C        18-09.00   18-04.50    3   
  7 Noboa, Brandon            12 Trinity Cath        19-01.50   17-11.00    2   
  8 Tucker, Gehrig            10 The Villages        17-11.00  J17-11.00    1   
 10 Scott, Carion             10 Ridge Commun        18-01.00  J17-10.50  
 10 Jacobi, Mason             12 Trinity Cath        20-06.00   17-10.00  
 11 Lane, Scott               10 The Villages        17-10.00   16-09.00  
 12 Composto, Nicholas        12 Montverde Ac        16-11.00   16-02.50  
 13 Judd, Spencer             11 Orangewood C        17-00.50   16-00.50  
 14 LaCourse, Jacob           10 The Villages        14-01.00   15-03.50  
 15 Hammond, Tanner            9 First Academ        14-05.00   15-02.50  
 16 Mell, Jacob               11 Foundation A        15-06.75   15-01.75  
 17 Slaby, Benjamin           12 Mount Dora H        15-08.00   14-09.00  
 18 Bohler, Bryce             11 First Academ        13-02.75   14-07.50  
 19 Woodbine, Jordan          10 The Master's        16-04.25   14-06.00  
 19 Ramos, Esteban            12 Mount Dora H        16-01.50   14-06.00  
 21 Lafferty, Michael          9 Foundation A                   14-05.00  
 22 Jackson, Roderick          9 Mount Dora H                   14-03.00  
 23 Smith, Ben                 9 Foundation A                   13-05.00  
 24 O'Brien, Jacob             9 Foundation A                   13-02.50  
Event 3  Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Thornton, Marlo            9 Montverde Ac        30-06.75   30-05.00   10   
  2 Salmon, Chelsea           10 The Master's        29-00.50   30-01.00    8   
  3 Vanwart, Rebecca          12 The Villages        25-05.50   29-02.50    6   
  4 Liu, Sunny                12 The Villages        28-00.00   29-02.00    5   
  5 Pelski, Peyton             9 Trinity Cath        28-04.00   29-01.50    4   
  6 Barnes, Melanie           12 Faith Christ        24-10.50   26-09.00    3   
Event 4  Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Alleyne, Jacob            12 Mount Dora C        42-04.50   42-07.00   10   
  2 Jacobi, Mason             12 Trinity Cath        37-06.00   40-04.50    8   
  3 Noboa, Brandon            12 Trinity Cath        36-02.50   39-06.50    6   
  4 Morgan, Chris             12 Orangewood C                   39-00.00    5   
  5 Reyelts, Josh             12 The Master's        38-01.50   38-08.00    4   
  6 Fontenot, Shakir          11 Trinity Cath        35-00.00   37-09.50    3   
  7 Nix, Rico                 12 Mount Dora H        36-11.50   37-05.75    2   
  8 Guzman, kioris             9 First Academ        35-06.00   37-00.00    1   
  9 Conway, Chris             11 Mount Dora C                   35-10.50  
 10 Baker, Caleb              10 Mount Dora C                   35-07.75  
 11 Richards, Riley           10 First Academ        32-06.50   32-06.50  
 12 LaCourse, Jacob           10 The Villages        31-11.00   31-00.50  
Event 5  Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Salmon, Chelsea           10 The Master's        31-10.00   29-04.50   10   
  2 Johnson, Faith            12 The Master's                   27-04.50    8   
  3 Severe, Bianca            10 Faith Christ        28-00.50   27-02.00    6   
  4 Hiteshew, Madison          8 Mount Dora C        32-00.00   25-09.50    5   
  5 Osceola-James, Alexus     11 Montverde Ac        26-11.00   25-09.00    4   
  6 Cockrell, Allie            9 Mount Dora C        22-03.50   23-08.00    3   
  7 Macbeth, Haley            10 The Master's        24-10.00   22-08.50    2   
  8 Thurmond, Christina        6 Orangewood C                   22-06.00    1   
  9 Frady, Hannah             12 Mount Dora H        24-09.50   22-03.00  
 10 Zuniga, Maniela           11 Ridge Commun                   21-06.00  
 11 Lacy, Jaqueria            11 Ridge Commun        22-02.00   20-10.00  
 12 Ayotunde, Jania           11 Montverde Ac        19-11.25   20-08.50  
 13 Phillips, Sarah           10 The Master's        24-05.00   20-06.00  
 14 Dexter, Noelle            11 First Academ        19-03.00   19-03.00  
 15 Sharp, Delaney            11 Foundation A        19-02.50   18-11.00  
 16 Morris, Maddison          11 Foundation A        19-06.25   18-05.00  
 17 Gray, Taylor              12 Montverde Ac        17-00.00   17-09.00  
 18 Michaud, Yolette           9 Montverde Ac        17-06.00   17-08.00  
 19 Vilarson, Johanna          9 Mount Dora C        16-07.50   17-03.00  
 20 Rivera, Jailene           11 Faith Christ                   16-08.00  
Event 6  Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Johnson, Noah             11 Foundation A        50-07.50   50-06.00   10   
  2 Gilbert, Uriah            11 Trinity Cath        43-06.50   41-01.00    8   
  3 Kwatkosky, Sam             9 Trinity Cath        38-01.50   38-06.50    6   
  4 Hardy, Stephen            11 First Academ        37-05.25   37-05.00    5   
  5 Dailey, Tristan           12 St. Francis         38-11.00   36-05.00    4   
  6 Boast, Jordan             11 Foundation A        34-08.50   36-03.50    3   
  7 Vega, Jonathan            11 Ridge Commun        34-11.00   35-09.00    2   
  8 Johns, John               11 Trinity Cath        35-07.00   35-04.00    1   
  9 Baker, Caleb              10 Mount Dora C        34-05.00   35-03.00  
 10 Doyle, Nick                9 The Master's        34-00.50   34-06.00  
 11 Hall, Dillon              11 Foundation A        33-07.00   34-02.00  
 12 Whelan, Kyle              10 The Master's        32-03.50   34-01.50  
 13 Hobicht, Andrew           12 Orangewood C        37-06.50   34-01.00  
 14 Hernandez, Victor         11 Faith Christ        34-09.75   33-10.00  
 15 Haynes, Jataviaus         12 Ridge Commun        33-03.50   33-08.50  
 16 Carson, Connor            10 Foundation A        27-08.50   33-06.50  
 17 Dewitt, Tyler             12 Montverde Ac        32-06.00   33-00.50  
 18 Mazzurco, Joseph           9 Trinity Cath        31-09.50   32-10.00  
 19 Reinhold, Kyler           12 Orangewood C        37-10.50   32-06.50  
 20 Pierre, Jasper            11 Mount Dora C        26-10.00   32-04.00  
 21 Peeples, Christian        12 Montverde Ac        30-10.00   31-11.00  
 22 Carrol, Kyle              12 St. Francis         28-07.00   31-08.00  
 22 Brown, Garrett            11 Mount Dora H        33-00.00   31-08.00  
 24 Kasack, Ryan              11 St. Francis         25-00.50   30-07.00  
 25 Johnson, Jax               9 The Master's        28-05.00   30-02.00  
 26 Sanon, McDe               11 Ridge Commun                   30-00.00  
 27 Clark, Kyle               11 Mount Dora C        31-11.50   29-11.50  
 28 Collins, Erin             11 Mount Dora C        31-07.00   29-00.00  
 29 Meaux, Greg               11 Ridge Commun        29-00.00   28-11.00  
 30 Grimes, Carter             9 First Academ        29-04.00   27-11.00  
 31 Young, Michael             9 The Master's        26-00.00   27-05.00  
 32 Condon, Nick              11 Mount Dora H        29-10.50   26-04.50  
 33 Torres, Mark              10 Faith Christ        27-03.50   25-06.00  
Event 7  Girls Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Hiteshew, Jessie          12 Mount Dora C          123-05     122-02   10   
  2 Hiteshew, Madison          8 Mount Dora C           89-09      93-11    8   
  3 Cockrell, Allie            9 Mount Dora C           56-02      73-06    6   
  4 Johnson, Faith            12 The Master's                      72-03    5   
  5 Severe, Bianca            10 Faith Christ           64-00      71-07    4   
  6 Toro, Isabella             7 Faith Christ                      69-09    3   
  7 Salmon, Chelsea           10 The Master's           74-09      69-06    2   
  8 Phillips, Sarah           10 The Master's           63-01      64-07    1   
  9 Vilarson, Johanna          9 Mount Dora C        52-05.50      55-09  
 10 Dexter, Noelle            11 First Academ           48-04      55-07  
 11 Manns, Sidney             10 The Villages           60-04      55-05  
 12 Oliver, Libbey            10 The Villages           65-08      54-09  
 12 Thurmond, Christina        6 Orangewood C                      54-09  
 12 Macbeth, Haley            10 The Master's           51-07      54-09  
 15 Frady, Hannah             12 Mount Dora H           61-04      53-04  
 16 Michaels, Raynah          11 Mount Dora H           48-07      53-03  
 17 Poole, Julia              10 Trinity Cath           47-08      49-02  
 18 Sharp, Delaney            11 Foundation A           34-03      49-00  
 19 Rivera, Jailene           11 Faith Christ                      47-11  
 20 Gray, Taylor              12 Montverde Ac           43-02      47-06  
 21 Gossett, Chelby            9 Trinity Cath           42-02      47-00  
 22 Morris, Maddison          11 Foundation A                      43-10  
 23 Lacy, Jaqueria            11 Ridge Commun           43-09      33-06  
Event 8  Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Baker, Caleb              10 Mount Dora C          127-06     123-03   10   
  2 Johnson, Noah             11 Foundation A          116-01     114-00    8   
  3 Johns, John               11 Trinity Cath          110-00     112-09    6   
  4 Peeples, Christian        12 Montverde Ac          111-09     108-03    5   
  5 Dailey, Tristan           12 St. Francis           106-03      99-04    4   
  6 Winquist, Steven          12 The Master's           95-01      95-10    3   
  7 Gilbert, Uriah            11 Trinity Cath          101-03      95-04    2   
  8 Pierre, Jesiah             9 Mount Dora C        89-01.50      94-02    1   
  9 Pelski, Preston           10 Trinity Cath          102-02      93-08  
 10 Carson, Connor            10 Foundation A           80-05      90-01  
 11 Carrol, Kyle              12 St. Francis            80-05      89-01  
 12 Hernandez, Victor         11 Faith Christ        86-06.50      86-06  
 13 Folsom, Hunter            10 Trinity Cath        81-04.50      85-00  
 14 Rader, Ben                11 The Geneva S           86-06      84-05  
 15 Whelan, Kyle              10 The Master's           52-07      80-10  
 16 Thornton, Adam            12 St. Francis            82-06      80-06  
 17 Dewitt, Tyler             12 Montverde Ac           66-10      78-10  
 18 Vega, Jonathan            11 Ridge Commun           73-02      78-08  
 19 Brown, Garrett            11 Mount Dora H           63-03      77-10  
 20 Esler, Nikita             11 Faith Christ           72-02      76-07  
 21 Reinhold, Kyler           12 Orangewood C           81-04      76-01  
 21 Robinson, Blake           10 Foundation A           87-04      76-01  
 23 Doyle, Nick                9 The Master's           79-11      75-07  
 24 Devlin, Sean              12 St. Francis            75-11      74-03  
 24 Foreman, Andrew           11 The Geneva S           70-10      74-03  
 26 Sanon, McDe               11 Ridge Commun           49-10      72-02  
 27 Habicht, Andrew              Orangewood C                      69-10  
 28 Condon, Nick              11 Mount Dora H           70-02      65-00  
 29 Meaux, Greg               11 Ridge Commun                      64-11  
 30 Colburne, Jonathan        10 First Academ           63-10      64-07  
 31 Torres, Mark              10 Faith Christ                      62-04  
 32 Young, Michael             9 The Master's           50-03      59-01  
 33 Haynes, Jataviaus         12 Ridge Commun           51-10      50-08  
Event 9  Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 McDaniel, Shelby          12 St. Francis          4-08.00    5-00.00   10   
  2 Larry, A'Yanna            11 Mount Dora H         4-08.00    4-10.00    7   
  2 Hall, Nicole              10 The Villages         5-00.00    4-10.00    7   
  4 Jordan, Hallie             9 The Villages                    4-04.00    5   
  5 Monn, Cooper              10 Mount Dora C                   J4-04.00    4   
  6 Morales, Natasha           9 Trinity Cath         4-00.00    4-00.00    3   
 -- Poole, Lauren              9 Trinity Cath         4-02.00         NH  
 -- Crabill, Emily            10 Mount Dora H                         NH  
Event 10  Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Pelski, Preston           10 Trinity Cath         5-10.00    6-00.00   10   
  2 Schmidt, Dylan            11 Mount Dora H         5-06.00    5-08.00    8   
  3 Rainford, Michael         10 The Villages         5-06.00    5-04.00    6   
  4 Nix, Rico                 12 Mount Dora H         5-06.00    5-02.00    4.50
  4 Morgan, Chris             12 Orangewood C         5-00.00    5-02.00    4.50
     5-00 5-02 5-04 
        O    O  XXX 
  6 DiLena, Jacob              8 Foundation A                    5-00.00    2.50
     5-00 5-02 
        O  XXX 
  6 Baker, Caleb              10 Mount Dora C         5-00.00    5-00.00    2.50
     5-00 5-02 
        O  XXX 
  8 Slaby, Benjamin           12 Mount Dora H         5-02.00   J5-00.00    0.50
     5-00 5-02 
       XO  XXX 
  8 Curtis, Gabriel            9 Mount Dora C                   J5-00.00    0.50
     5-00 5-02 
       XO  XXX 
 10 Kwatkosky, Sam             9 Trinity Cath         5-04.00   J5-00.00  
     5-00 5-02 
      XXO  XXX 
 -- Johnson, Dalton            8 Foundation A                         NH  
 -- Vea, Caleb                10 Mount Dora H         5-02.00         NH  
     5-00 5-02 
        X  XXX 
 -- Bell, Elijah              10 Mount Dora C                         NH  
 -- Stimmell, Elijah           9 Foundation A                         NH  
Event 11  Girls Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Elenz, Molly              10 Mount Dora C         7-06.00    7-09.00    9   
  1 Crabill, Victoria         12 Mount Dora H         7-06.00    7-09.00    9   
  3 Eisenhardt, Kai            7 Montverde Ac         5-06.00    6-06.00    6   
  4 Condon, Jayden             9 Mount Dora H                    6-00.00    5   
  5 Mirageas, Mia              9 Mount Dora H         6-06.00   J6-00.00    4   
  6 Stuz, Samantha             9 Mount Dora H         6-00.00    5-00.00    3   
Event 12  Boys Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Miller, Zach              10 Mount Dora H        11-09.00   10-06.00   10   
  2 King, Sawyer              11 Mount Dora H        11-00.00    9-06.00    8   
  3 Bevill, Coleman           10 Mount Dora C         9-00.00    9-00.00    6   
  4 Maley, Ryan               10 Mount Dora C         8-06.00    8-06.00    5   
  5 Taylor, Jacob             11 Mount Dora H                    8-00.00    4   
  6 Harwell, Chase            10 Mount Dora C         8-06.00   J8-00.00    3   
  7 Valiquette, Ryder         10 Montverde Ac         8-00.00   J8-00.00    2   
  8 Lancheros, Juan           10 Montverde Ac                    7-06.00    1   
  9 Epillard, Max             11 Mount Dora H         7-06.00    7-00.00  
 10 Eidson, Cal               11 Orangewood C         7-06.00   J7-00.00  
Event 13  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Ridge Community HS  'A'                          10:50.01   11:00.92   10   
  2 The Geneva School  'A'                           11:20.00   11:21.13    8   
  3 Montverde Academy  'A'                           11:26.00   12:09.57    6   
  4 Mount Dora HS  'A'                               10:54.41   12:19.96    5   
Event 14  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Montverde Academy  'A'                            9:18.68    9:06.46   10   
  2 The Geneva School  'A'                            8:52.00    9:21.21    8   
  3 Ridge Community HS  'A'                           9:19.56    9:25.50    6   
  4 Mount Dora Christian Academy (  'A'                          9:31.30    5   
  5 St. Francis Catholic HS  'A'                      9:10.02    9:31.32    4   
  6 Mount Dora HS  'A'                                8:53.97    9:32.23    3   
  7 The Master's Academy (Oviedo)  'A'               10:57.01    9:48.37    2   
  8 Foundation Academy  'A'                          10:22.00   10:13.08    1   
Event 15  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Powell, Nikkei            11 Mount Dora H           18.09      18.41   1  10   
  2 Elenz, Molly              10 Mount Dora C           19.55      19.64   1   8   
  3 Scarbrough, Delaney       11 First Academ           17.69      20.29   1   6   
  4 Perez, YaJaira            12 The Villages           20.19      20.48   1   5   
  5 Soto, Gabrielle           10 The Villages           19.58      20.64   1   4   
  6 Coe, Melody               10 Mount Dora C           22.46      21.68   2   3   
  7 Pope, Lillie              11 First Academ           19.36      21.73   1   2   
  8 Shipley, Keirsten         11 Mount Dora H                      23.75   2   1   
Event 16  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Romain, Renaldo           11 Ridge Commun           18.10      17.89   1  10   
  2 Cranston, Matthew         12 Ridge Commun           18.86      18.18   1   8   
  3 Judd, Spencer             11 Orangewood C           18.63      18.20   1   6   
  4 Tomlin, Jason             10 Trinity Cath           20.02      19.40   2   5   
  5 Richards, Riley           10 First Academ           20.46      20.14   2   4   
  6 Guzman, kioris             9 First Academ                      20.72   3   3   
  7 Bergholtz, Richard        10 Mount Dora H           25.47      21.53   3   2   
  8 Neal, Calvin              10 Trinity Cath           19.57      22.32   2   1   
  9 Broomfield, Chris         11 The Master's                      25.84   1 
Event 17  Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Boyd, Rachel               9 The Master's           13.03      13.44   1  10   
  2 McClear, Taylor           12 The Villages           13.83      13.65   1   8   
  3 Larry, A'Yanna            11 Mount Dora H           13.64      13.80   1   6   
  4 Frymier, Joy              11 First Academ           14.45      14.23   1   5   
  5 Lasala, Victoria           9 The Master's           14.65      14.32   2   4   
  6 Saunders, Alexia          12 Ridge Commun           14.80      14.38   2   3   
  7 Lord, Reilley             12 Foundation A           15.00      14.56   3   2   
  8 Thurmond, Christina        6 Orangewood C           14.90      14.65   3   1   
  9 Delprete, Rozina          10 Trinity Cath           14.51      14.80   2 
 10 Whipple, Tatiana           9 Ridge Commun           14.83      15.17   2 
 11 Smith, Hannah              9 Mount Dora H           14.90      15.20   3 
 12 Litton, Lara              10 Trinity Cath           14.78      15.24   2 
 13 Manuel, Ashlyn            10 The Geneva S                      15.34   4 
 14 Goldstein, Philine        10 St. Francis            15.80      15.99   3 
 15 Meadows, Chloe            10 The Master's                      16.29   4 
 16 Segarra, Maggie            9 The Geneva S           17.80      17.56   4 
Event 18  Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Scott, Carion             10 Ridge Commun           11.68      11.48   1  10   
  2 Alleyne, Jacob            12 Mount Dora C           11.56      11.53   1   8   
  3 Thompson, Cameron         11 Trinity Cath           11.33      11.56   1   6   
  4 Lowery, John              12 Orangewood C           11.72      11.62   1   5   
  5 Bradshaw, Kenneth         10 The Master's           11.90      11.64   2   4   
  6 Lane, Scott               10 The Villages           12.05      11.65   2   3    11.645
  7 Schofield, Michael        12 Trinity Cath           11.17     J11.65   1   2    11.648
  8 Axson, Lance              10 Foundation A           11.80      11.69   1   1   
  9 Galan, Guillermo          12 Montverde Ac           12.00      11.79   2 
 10 Wyatt, Adam               10 The Villages           12.15      11.84   2 
 11 Gabriel, Jean Elie        12 Ridge Commun           11.60      11.91   1 
 11 Fabrizio, James           11 Ridge Commun           12.49      11.91   3 
 13 Thornton, Monroe          12 Newberry HS            12.05      11.95   2  11.943
 14 Rivers, Robert            11 Trinity Cath           12.02      11.95   2  11.945
 15 Tomlin, Jason             10 Trinity Cath           11.71      11.95   1 
 16 Pierre, Jasper            11 Mount Dora C           12.66      11.97   4 
 17 Recchia, Anthony          11 Foundation A           12.45      12.08   3 
 18 Woodbine, Jordan          10 The Master's           12.19      12.15   3 
 19 Sells, Brandon             9 Montverde Ac           12.42      12.17   3 
 19 Rivera, Jaime             11 Foundation A                      12.17   5 
 21 Dean, Jeff                12 Orangewood C           12.40      12.18   3 
 22 Thompson, Kenyatta        10 Mount Dora H           12.14      12.22   2 
 23 Alvarez, Roberto           9 Mount Dora H           12.42      12.26   3 
 24 Borado, Mark              12 St. Francis                       12.30   5 
 25 Martin, James             10 Mount Dora H           12.55      12.34   4 
 26 Prado, Lemuel              9 Faith Christ                      12.36   5 
 27 Walker, Gabe              12 Foundation A           12.49      12.54   3 
 28 Hernandez, Luis           10 The Villages           12.79      12.61   4 
 29 Curtis, Arnello           11 Mount Dora H           12.51      12.63   3 
 30 Simpson, Evan              9 The Master's           12.97      12.66   4 
 31 Tucker, Gehrig            10 The Villages           13.19      12.68   4 
 32 Sandroni, Dante            9 Orangewood C           12.95      12.98   4 
 33 Sanders, Kobe              9 Mount Dora C           13.71      12.99   5 
 34 Chebali, Adam             10 Montverde Ac           13.13      13.14   4 
 35 Larsen, Raymond           12 St. Francis            13.24      13.24   4 
 36 Osbourne, Ethan           12 The Master's                      13.32   5 
 37 Hieberr, Timmy            10 St. Francis            14.16      13.98   5 
 38 Miranda, Ismael           11 Ridge Commun                      15.07   5 
Event 19  Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Clark, Rebecca             9 The Villages         5:14.50    5:18.46   10   
  2 Cardwell, Kendyl           7 Montverde Ac         5:39.49    5:29.87    8   
  3 Meers, Nicole              9 Mount Dora H         5:37.54    5:41.30    6   
  4 Natale, Grace             11 The Geneva S         6:20.00    5:55.77    5   
  5 Costabile, Emily          10 St. Francis          6:16.78    5:57.91    4   
  6 Van Wart, Rachel          12 The Villages         6:06.94    5:59.21    3   
  7 Shriner, Laura            12 The Geneva S         6:20.20    6:03.67    2   
  8 Gonzalez, Sophia          11 Mount Dora H         6:09.64    6:06.64    1   
  9 Vassou, Nadia              9 Trinity Cath         6:13.48    6:08.88  
 10 Hendrix, Lily              8 The Geneva S         6:16.28    6:11.22  
 11 Brauman, Jayci             6 Montverde Ac         6:28.70    6:18.49  
 12 Downward, Shelley         12 The Geneva S         6:20.30    6:25.58  
 13 Sperry, Ryleigh            6 Montverde Ac         6:53.63    6:30.29  
 14 Dechathipat, Parinda      12 Montverde Ac         6:21.59    6:30.32  
 15 Herrera-Paz, Andrea       11 Mount Dora H         6:28.43    6:38.46  
 16 Moran, Lluzbeira           9 Ridge Commun         7:39.65    7:33.82  
 17 Post, Emily               11 Mount Dora C         8:00.83    8:06.30  
Event 20  Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Chavis, Hunter            11 Mount Dora H         4:36.77    4:46.53   10   
  2 Valiquette, Ryder         10 Montverde Ac         4:48.59    4:52.02    8   
  3 Brodrecht, Ethan          12 The Geneva S         4:54.90    4:52.61    6   
  4 St Germain, Christian     11 Orangewood C         5:13.58    5:08.91    5   
  5 Camacho, Esdras            9 The Master's         5:34.19    5:09.75    4   
  6 McGann, Conor             12 The Villages         5:13.08    5:12.20    3   
  7 Norton, Jason             11 Ridge Commun         5:22.70    5:14.34    2   
  8 Cardenez, Antonio         10 St. Francis                     5:16.64    1   
  9 Murphy, Quinn             10 Montverde Ac         5:23.93    5:19.21  
 10 Herrington, Thomas        10 St. Francis          5:24.97    5:20.89  
 11 Brown, Jacob               9 Mount Dora H         5:27.97    5:24.34  
 12 Hurley, Logan             11 Mount Dora C         5:36.44    5:25.93  
 13 Lancheros, Juan           10 Montverde Ac         5:34.40    5:26.34  
 14 Mathias, Trey              9 The Master's         5:34.80    5:26.40  
 15 Castro, Manuel            11 Ridge Commun                    5:30.16  
 16 Scott, Ben                 9 St. Francis                     5:38.02  
 17 Quiceno, Andres           10 Ridge Commun         5:52.63    5:40.29  
 18 Waters, Nathan            10 Foundation A         5:45.39    5:44.97  
 19 Mccrady, Nicholas          7 Orangewood C         6:04.17    5:50.63  
 20 Warner, Christopher       10 Mount Dora H         5:48.44    5:51.03  
 21 Wei, Tianqi               12 Montverde Ac         6:02.72    5:53.12  
 22 Heitling, Daniel          10 Mount Dora H         6:35.18    5:57.47  
 23 Kuzmick, Mason             7 Orangewood C                    6:03.33  
 24 Garcia, Daniel            10 Trinity Cath         6:43.24    6:36.85  
 25 Winquist, Steven          12 The Master's         7:28.13    7:14.56  
Event 21  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Mount Dora HS  'A'                                  52.34      53.27   10   
  2 Ridge Community HS  'A'                             55.11      54.36    8   
  3 First Academy of Leesburg  'A'                      57.07      55.55    6   
  4 Trinity Catholic HS  'A'                            54.97      55.98    5   
  5 The Master's Academy (Oviedo)  'A'                  54.87      56.06    4   
  6 Mount Dora Christian Academy (  'A'                            58.68    3   
Event 22  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Trinity Catholic HS  'A'                            44.77      44.81   10   
  2 Ridge Community HS  'A'                             44.67      45.11    8   
  3 Foundation Academy  'A'                             45.32      46.23    6   
  4 Mount Dora Christian Academy (  'A'                 49.35      46.50    5   
  5 The Master's Academy (Oviedo)  'A'                  48.55      46.84    4   
  6 The Villages HS  'A'                                47.95      46.85    3   
 -- Mount Dora HS  'A'                                  49.74         DQ   exchange 2
Event 23  Girls 400 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Harris, Niyah             10 Ridge Commun         1:03.92    1:05.30   1  10   
  2 Romain, Anysia            12 Ridge Commun                    1:06.66   3   8   
  3 Cranston, Tiffany         11 Ridge Commun                    1:09.22   3   6   
  4 Jordan, Hallie             9 The Villages                    1:10.05   2   5   
  5 Thurmond, Christina        6 Orangewood C         1:12.55    1:11.30   1   4   
  6 Stockwell, Savannah        9 Trinity Cath         1:12.00    1:11.32   1   3   
  7 Goldstein, Philine        10 St. Francis          1:20.75    1:13.09   2   2   
  8 Cox, Noelle               10 First Academ         1:13.78    1:13.40   1   1   
  9 Greene, Aisha             10 Montverde Ac         1:13.03    1:13.49   1 
 10 Morales, Natasha           9 Trinity Cath         1:15.77    1:14.38   2 
 11 Munguia, Tsvyata           9 Mount Dora H         1:17.45    1:15.13   2 
 12 Wison, Tatianna            9 Mount Dora H                    1:17.91   3 
 13 Tanner, Martha             9 The Master's                    1:21.31   3 
 14 Myers, Amelia              9 Mount Dora H         1:24.42    1:23.24   2 
 15 Meadows, Chloe            10 The Master's                    1:24.18   3 
Event 24  Boys 400 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Turner, Keontae           11 Mount Dora H           54.01      53.45   1  10   
  2 Patzner, Marshall         11 Trinity Cath           55.40      54.52   1   8   
  3 Dixon, Jaden              11 Ridge Commun           54.88      54.57   1   6   
  4 Gabriel, Jean Elie        12 Ridge Commun                      55.40   5   5   
  5 Woodbine, Jordan          10 The Master's           55.82      55.66   1   4   
  6 Cline, Seth               11 Faith Christ           56.00      55.94   1   3   
  7 Darceus, Watson           11 Ridge Commun           57.50      57.15   1   2   
  8 Williams, Twan            11 Mount Dora H           59.01      59.07   2   1   
  9 Borado, Mark              12 St. Francis                       59.27   5 
 10 Bott, Drew                11 Orangewood C                      59.46   4 
 11 Morgan, Chris             12 Orangewood C           57.59      59.92   1 
 12 Baptiste, Weston           7 Montverde Ac         1:01.10    1:00.60   2 
 13 Swearingen, Ethan         10 First Academ         1:03.44    1:00.64   2 
 14 Costa, Johnny             10 Foundation A           59.83    1:00.70   2 
 15 Lafferty, Michael          9 Foundation A                    1:00.81   2 
 16 Hadley, Will              11 Mount Dora C                    1:01.46   4 
 17 Prado, Lemuel              9 Faith Christ         1:03.63    1:01.56   3 
 18 Hammond, Tanner            9 First Academ         1:03.83    1:03.01   3 
 19 Larsen, Raymond           12 St. Francis          1:03.67    1:03.26   3 
 20 Maley, Ryan               10 Mount Dora C         1:06.99    1:03.60   3 
 21 Bevill, Coleman           10 Mount Dora C                    1:03.75   5 
 22 Gayoso, Thomas             9 The Master's                    1:04.27   5 
 23 LaCourse, Jacob           10 The Villages         1:06.57    1:05.08   3 
 24 Ramos, Esteban            12 Mount Dora H         1:06.34    1:05.57   3 
 25 Czuryla, Ryan             11 Trinity Cath         1:11.38    1:05.95   3 
 26 Hunter, Hawk              10 The Villages         1:11.54    1:10.08   4 
 27 Miranda, Ismael           11 Ridge Commun                    1:12.87   4 
 28 Mellen, Andrew            10 Orangewood C         1:15.01    1:13.63   4 
Event 25  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Scarbrough, Delaney       11 First Academ           52.71      52.64   1  10   
  2 Soto, Gabrielle            9 The Villages           55.76      55.54   1   8   
  3 Powell, Nikkei            11 Mount Dora H           57.35      56.64   1   6   
  4 Elenz, Molly              10 Mount Dora C           58.54      56.90   1   5   
  5 Perez, YaJaira            12 The Villages           56.12      57.31   1   4   
  6 Vanwart, Rebecca          12 The Villages           59.06      57.65   1   3   
  7 Pope, Lillie              11 First Academ           57.00      58.82   1   2   
  8 Walker, Kali               7 First Academ         1:01.18    1:00.28   2   1   
  9 Ghivizzani, Katherine     10 Montverde Ac         1:07.21    1:08.45   2 
 10 Glorious, Beth Anne        9 Trinity Cath         1:14.33    1:11.34   2 
Event 26  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Neal, Calvin              10 Trinity Cath           47.56      45.19   1  10   
  2 Cranston, Matthew         12 Ridge Commun           45.79      45.77   1   8   
  3 Romain, Renaldo           11 Ridge Commun           44.53      46.17   1   6   
  4 Judd, Spencer             11 Orangewood C           44.86      46.28   1   5   
  5 Norton, Jason             11 Ridge Commun           50.11      48.55   2   4   
  6 Tomlin, Jason             10 Trinity Cath           47.23      48.58   1   3   
  7 Devlin, Sean              12 St. Francis            49.93      51.03   2   2   
  8 Slaby, Benjamin           12 Mount Dora H                      51.26   3   1   
  9 Guzman, kioris             9 First Academ           49.69      51.42   2 
 10 Boast, Jordan             11 Foundation A                      52.85   3 
 11 Richards, Riley           10 First Academ           51.75      53.18   2 
 12 Sanders, Kobe              9 Mount Dora C                      53.74   3 
 13 Bell, Elijah              10 Mount Dora C           55.08      55.69   3 
 14 Broomfield, Chris         11 The Master's         1:00.36      55.74   3 
 15 Baginski, Alec            10 Foundation A                      56.10   3 
Event 27  Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Hall, Nicole              10 The Villages         2:38.28    2:38.31   10   
  2 Harris, Niyah             10 Ridge Commun         2:46.03    2:40.13    8   
  3 Costabile, Emily          10 St. Francis          2:51.68    2:41.24    6   
  4 Norton, Jaqueline         11 Ridge Commun         2:45.12    2:48.60    5   
  5 Gonzalez, Sophia          11 Mount Dora H         2:48.81    2:49.55    4   
  6 Dechathipat, Parinda      12 Montverde Ac         2:52.38    2:50.21    3   
  7 Vassou, Nadia              9 Trinity Cath         2:54.96    2:53.09    2   
  8 Goble, Cassidy            11 The Geneva S         2:58.00    2:58.02    1   
  9 Wilhite, Lilly             9 The Geneva S         3:02.51    3:00.06  
 10 Herrera-Paz, Andrea       11 Mount Dora H         3:00.29    3:00.83  
 11 Vargas, Emma              12 The Geneva S         2:58.00    3:01.89  
 12 Brauman, Jayci             6 Montverde Ac         3:01.16    3:04.50  
 13 Adkins, Addison           10 Montverde Ac         2:56.63    3:06.17  
 14 Stockwell, Savannah        9 Trinity Cath         2:59.07    3:07.01  
 15 Affatato, Sara            11 Mount Dora H         3:11.25    3:07.17  
 16 Qian, Eva                 11 The Master's                    3:09.72  
 17 Young, Olivia             10 Montverde Ac         3:17.87    3:13.36  
 18 Appleby, Sarah             9 Mount Dora H                    3:19.21  
 19 Macbeth, Haley            10 The Master's                    3:23.41  
 20 Moran, Lluzbeira           9 Ridge Commun                    3:27.59  
Event 28  Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Turner, Keontae           11 Mount Dora H         2:04.49    2:08.02   1  10   
  2 Nugent, Brandon           10 Ridge Commun         2:09.85    2:11.91   1   8   
  3 Curtis, Gabriel            9 Mount Dora C         2:11.12    2:14.12   1   6   
  4 Woods, Colton             11 The Villages         2:15.34    2:14.21   1   5   
  5 Patzner, Marshall         11 Trinity Cath         2:13.96    2:15.99   1   4   
  6 Valiquette, Ryder         10 Montverde Ac         2:10.69    2:16.95   1   3   
  7 Cortes, Ian               10 Montverde Ac         2:16.58    2:19.15   1   2   
  8 Molitz, Nick              11 The Master's         2:17.67    2:20.43   1   1   
  9 Dunnavan, Dane            11 The Geneva S         2:16.00    2:21.85   1 
 10 Scott, Ben                 9 St. Francis          2:25.28    2:22.42   1 
 11 Schmidt, Dylan            11 Mount Dora H         2:22.14    2:22.47   1 
 12 Cline, Seth               11 Faith Christ         2:02.00    2:22.66   1 
 13 Ackerman, Will            11 The Villages         2:28.06    2:23.36   1 
 14 Reinhold, Kyler           12 Orangewood C         2:30.38    2:24.98   1 
 15 Trapnell, James           10 Mount Dora H                    2:24.99   2 
 16 Blythe, Jack              10 The Geneva S         2:25.00    2:26.37   1 
 17 Shin, Danny               10 Mount Dora C                    2:26.72   2 
 18 Coyt, Julian              11 Ridge Commun                    2:27.44   2 
 19 Cardenez, Antonio         10 St. Francis                     2:28.17   2 
 20 Weir, Donovan              9 The Geneva S         2:30.00    2:28.38   1 
 21 Hurley, Lawson            11 Mount Dora C         2:31.90    2:29.83   2 
 22 Yang, Jimmy               12 Faith Christ         2:29.62    2:32.00   1 
 23 Canales, Jose              9 Mount Dora H         3:00.73    2:32.07   2 
 24 Prince, Hunter            10 The Master's         2:44.00    2:35.82   2 
 25 Riechers, Jacob            9 The Master's         2:44.00    2:36.13   2 
 26 Waters, Nathan            10 Foundation A         2:37.46    2:37.48   2 
 27 Murphy, Quinn             10 Montverde Ac         2:17.00    2:40.54   1 
 28 DiLena, Jacob              8 Foundation A         2:36.18    2:40.78   2 
 29 Kuzmick, Mason             7 Orangewood C         3:17.00    2:45.03   2 
 30 O'Brien, Jacob             9 Foundation A         2:44.72    2:45.70   2 
 31 Mccrady, Nicholas          7 Orangewood C         3:14.00    2:49.93   2 
 32 Garcia, Daniel            10 Trinity Cath         3:02.94    2:56.05   2 
Event 29  Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Boyd, Rachel               9 The Master's                      27.82   5  10   
  2 McClear, Taylor           12 The Villages           28.89      28.14   1   8   
  3 Frazier, Alexandria       11 Mount Dora H                      29.01   4   6   
  4 Poole, Lauren              9 Trinity Cath           30.33      29.35   2   5   
  5 Eisenhardt, Kai            7 Montverde Ac           30.48      29.36   2   4   
  6 Hiteshew, Madison          8 Mount Dora C                      30.08   4   3   
  7 Kennedy, Caroline          9 First Academ           29.47      30.17   1   2   
  8 Character, Alyssa         10 The Villages           29.26      30.24   1   1   
  9 Lasala, Victoria           9 The Master's           31.61      30.29   2 
  9 Monn, Cooper              10 Mount Dora C                      30.29   5 
 11 Pelski, Peyton             9 Trinity Cath           30.14      30.40   1 
 12 Whipple, Tatiana           9 Ridge Commun           31.24      30.56   2 
 13 Delprete, Rozina          10 Trinity Cath           30.84      30.64   2 
 14 Hiers, Brianna             7 Montverde Ac           31.72      30.72   3 
 15 Lord, Reilley             12 Foundation A                      31.41   4 
 16 Thurmond, Christina        6 Orangewood C           32.75      31.84   3 
 17 Marble, Sarah             11 The Geneva S           31.99      32.26   3 
 18 Cockrell, Allie            9 Mount Dora C                      33.00   4 
 19 Harrynarine, Ashley       11 Trinity Cath           33.35      33.53   3 
 20 Meadows, Chloe            10 The Master's                      34.18   5 
 21 Manuel, Ashlyn            10 The Geneva S           33.75      34.57   3 
Event 30  Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Axson, Lester             11 Foundation A           23.62      23.64   1  10   
  2 Schofield, Michael        12 Trinity Cath           23.31      23.73   1   8   
  3 Scott, Carion             10 Ridge Commun           24.08      24.20   1   6   
  4 Bradshaw, Kenneth         10 The Master's           24.08      24.32   1   5   
  5 Fabrizio, James           11 Ridge Commun           24.87      24.66   2   4   
  6 Galan, Guillermo          12 Montverde Ac                      24.72   5   3   
  7 Lane, Scott               10 The Villages           25.43      24.82   2   2   
  8 Thompson, Cameron         11 Trinity Cath           24.04      24.96   1   1   
  9 Composto, Nicholas        12 Montverde Ac           28.12      25.22   4 
 10 Wyatt, Adam               10 The Villages           25.23      25.26   2 
 11 Fontenot, Shakir          11 Trinity Cath           24.55      25.34   1 
 12 Darceus, Watson           11 Ridge Commun                      25.42   5 
 13 Sells, Brandon             9 Montverde Ac           25.65      25.61   2 
 14 Martin, James             10 Mount Dora H           25.44      25.81   2 
 15 Prado, Lemuel              9 Faith Christ           26.63      26.03   3 
 16 Pierre, Jesiah             9 Mount Dora C           24.91      26.07   2 
 17 Hernandez, Luis           10 The Villages           27.26      26.47   3 
 18 Reinhold, Kyler           12 Orangewood C                      26.52   5 
 19 Aponte, Andrew             8 Orangewood C           27.59      26.55   3 
 20 Pierre, Jasper            11 Mount Dora C           24.64      26.84   2 
 20 Reyelts, Josh             12 The Master's           26.32      26.84   3 
 22 Cranston, Matthew         12 Ridge Commun                      26.92   5 
 23 Osbourne, Ethan           12 The Master's           28.03      27.17   4 
 24 Guzman, kioris             9 First Academ           27.48      27.21   3 
 25 Esler, Nikita             11 Faith Christ                      27.74   5 
 26 Larsen, Raymond           12 St. Francis            27.60      27.83   4 
 27 Matthews, Mosseh             The Master's                      28.23   4 
 28 Foreman, Andrew           11 The Geneva S           28.82      28.62   4 
 29 Scott, Jacoby              9 First Academ           29.09      28.93   4 
 30 Hieberr, Timmy            10 St. Francis            30.48      29.66   4 
Event 31  Girls 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Cardwell, Kendyl           7 Montverde Ac        12:08.71   11:53.27   10   
  2 Meers, Nicole              9 Mount Dora H                   11:53.28    8   
  3 Norton, Jaqueline         11 Ridge Commun        14:49.83   14:12.07    6   
  4 Smith, Raquel              9 The Geneva S        14:00.00   14:13.83    5   
  5 Murphy, Emma               8 Montverde Ac        13:05.80   14:58.12    4   
  6 Qian, Eva                 11 The Master's                   16:03.35    3   
  7 Horton, MacKenzie          9 Mount Dora C        17:47.94   17:06.92    2   
  8 Maneham, Natalia          10 Mount Dora H                   20:13.12    1   
Event 32  Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Chavis, Hunter            11 Mount Dora H        10:25.51   10:22.86   10   
  2 Curtis, Gabriel            9 Mount Dora C        10:41.94   10:53.83    8   
  3 Camacho, Esdras            9 The Master's        11:37.00   11:36.50    6   
  4 Herrington, Thomas        10 St. Francis         12:19.77   11:51.32    5   
  5 Bott, Drew                11 Orangewood C        12:30.00   11:52.28    4   
  6 Brown, Jacob               9 Mount Dora H                   12:00.61    3   
  7 Mathias, Trey              9 The Master's        12:01.10   12:03.86    2   
  8 Quiceno, Andres           10 Ridge Commun        12:25.81   12:16.16    1   
  9 Aziz, Andrew               8 Montverde Ac        13:37.68   12:29.47  
 10 Coyt, Julian              11 Ridge Commun                   12:57.00  
 11 Moran, Carson             11 The Villages        12:44.91   13:07.10  
 12 Norton, Jason             11 Ridge Commun        12:17.65   13:33.33  
 13 Lancheros, Juan           10 Montverde Ac        11:47.00   14:05.68  
 14 Rudinsky, Jordan          11 The Villages        15:07.31   14:46.37  
Event 33  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Ridge Community HS  'A'                           4:28.76    4:27.88   10   
  2 Mount Dora HS  'A'                                4:31.34    4:35.75    8   
  3 The Master's Academy (Oviedo)  'A'                4:31.55    4:48.30    6   
Event 34  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Ridge Community HS  'A'                           3:36.51    3:41.11   2  10   
  2 The Master's Academy (Oviedo)  'A'                3:47.44    3:46.62   2   8   
  3 Trinity Catholic HS  'A'                          3:52.74    3:50.84   2   6   
  4 Mount Dora HS  'A'                                3:51.15    3:55.49   2   5   
  5 Montverde Academy  'A'                            4:02.88    3:58.01   2   4   
  6 Mount Dora Christian Academy (  'A'               4:13.26    4:06.33   2   3   
  7 St. Francis Catholic HS  'A'                      3:55.53    4:10.98   2   2   
                    Women - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Mount Dora HS              100        2) The Villages HS            99   
    3) Ridge Community HS          84        4) The Master's Academy (Ovi  76   
    5) Mount Dora Christian Acade  69        6) Montverde Academy          61   
    7) First Academy of Leesburg   43        8) Trinity Catholic HS        22   
    8) St. Francis Catholic HS     22       10) The Geneva School          21   
   11) Faith Christian Academy     16       12) Foundation Academy          7   
   13) Orangewood Christian         6                                           
                    Men - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Trinity Catholic HS        116        2) Ridge Community HS        106   
    3) Mount Dora HS               98        4) Mount Dora Christian Acad  86   
    5) The Master's Academy (Ovie  52        6) Foundation Academy         41.50
    7) Orangewood Christian        38.50     8) Montverde Academy          38   
    9) The Villages HS             23       10) St. Francis Catholic HS    22   
   11) The Geneva School           14       12) First Academy of Leesburg  13   
   13) Newberry HS                  8       14) Faith Christian Academy     3   
