Greater Orlando Middle School Series #2 2014

Licensed to Elite Timing & Event Management - Contractor License
                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 2/19/2014 07:36 AM
              Greater Orlando Middle School Series#2 - 2/18/2014               
                              Lake Highland Prep                               

Event 1  Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Wind Points
  1 Simon, Rori                6 Lake Highlan        12-00.00   13-01.50   NWI  10   
  2 Vullier, Alissa            7 Trinity Prep        13-04.25   13-00.00   NWI   8   
  3 Butler, Jordan             7 The Master's        13-00.00   12-11.00   NWI   6   
  4 Gannaway, Danielle         5 First Academ        11-00.00   12-08.50   NWI   4.50
  4 Dugan, Olivia              7 The Master's        11-06.00   12-08.50   NWI   4.50
  6 Hill, Myla                 6 Lake Highlan        12-11.00   12-08.00   NWI   3   
  7 Sparkman, Syni            -- Lake Mary Pr        11-11.00   12-06.50   NWI   2   
  8 Pisello, Sophia            8 Trinity Prep        11-10.50   12-05.00   NWI   1   
  9 Best, Jianna               8 Lake Highlan        11-07.50   12-04.00   NWI 
 10 Olore, Sophia              7 Trinity Prep        12-01.50   12-01.00   NWI 
 11 Malloy, Megan              8 Lake Mary Pr        10-00.00   11-11.00   NWI 
 11 Elder, Leah               -- Lake Mary Pr        10-03.00   11-11.00   NWI 
 13 Veneziano, Nikki           8 Trinity Prep        10-11.00   11-05.00   NWI 
 14 Gilmore, Ariana            6 First Academ        11-05.00   11-03.50   NWI 
 15 Durkee, Lauren             7 Lake Highlan        11-01.00   11-01.75   NWI 
 16 Petrucelly, Victoria       8 The Christ S        11-07.00   10-10.00   NWI 
 17 Costin, Kayla              6 The Christ S        10-05.00   10-08.50   NWI 
 18 Hosch, Jessie              7 The Master's                   10-03.50   NWI 
 19 Bakun, Lauren             -- Lake Mary Pr        10-02.00   10-00.00   NWI 
 20 Kissenberth, Emily         6 The Master's                    9-10.00   NWI 
 21 Ikeda, Megan               6 Windermere P         9-02.00    9-08.00   NWI 
 22 Long, Alexa                8 The Christ S        10-00.00    9-07.50   NWI 
 23 Smith, Amanda              6 The Christ S         9-04.25    9-04.50   NWI 
 24 Fleischner, Camryn         7 Windermere P         9-05.50    9-00.00   NWI 
 25 Thorsdottir, Halldora      6 Windermere P         8-00.00    6-09.00   NWI 

Event 2  Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Wind Points
  1 Brand, Alexander           8 Windermere P        16-05.00   16-06.50   NWI  10   
  2 Evans, Ikey                7 Trinity Prep        15-06.00   16-00.00   NWI   8   
  3 Frazier, Rolous            7 First Academ        15-06.00   15-10.50   NWI   6   
  4 Khan, Zuhaib               7 Windermere P        14-01.50   15-01.00   NWI   5   
  5 Zhou, Francisco            7 Lake Highlan        13-08.00   14-10.00   NWI   4   
  6 Gaston, Jason             -- Lake Mary Pr        13-00.00   14-07.00   NWI   2.50
  6 Henry, Caleb              -- First Academ        14-06.50   14-07.00   NWI   2.50
  8 Cloe, Tristan              8 Trinity Prep        15-05.00   14-06.00   NWI   1   
  9 Ellis, Lake                6 First Academ        15-03.00   14-03.50   NWI 
 10 St Germain, Christian      8 Orangewood C        15-00.00   13-10.50   NWI 
 11 Marberry, Will             8 The Christ S        13-02.00   13-06.25   NWI 
 12 Galloway, Mamush           6 Trinity Prep                   13-05.50   NWI 
 13 Pittenger, Lawton          7 The Christ S        14-00.50   13-04.50   NWI 
 14 Geib, Jack                 8 Orangewood C        13-07.00   13-04.25   NWI 
 15 Sood, Clovis              -- Lake Mary Pr        12-02.00   13-04.00   NWI 
 16 Swann, Rock                6 The Christ S        13-01.50   13-00.50   NWI 
 17 Bobo, Reese                7 Lake Highlan        13-10.00   12-10.00   NWI 
 17 Marseille, Pascal          8 The Master's                   12-10.00   NWI 
 19 Ruach, Danny               7 The Christ S        13-08.50   12-04.00   NWI 
 20 Birkmire, Jeremy           7 The Master's                   12-00.50   NWI 
 21 Scaramuzza, Antonio        6 Windermere P                   11-11.00   NWI 
 21 Anderson, Jackson          8 Lake Highlan        13-11.00   11-11.00   NWI 
 23 Tressler III, Daniel       6 Trinity Prep                   11-07.00   NWI 
 24 Fagan, Jake                7 Windermere P        12-05.00   11-06.00   NWI 
 25 Witter, Andrew             6 Lake Highlan        13-07.00   11-02.50   NWI 
 26 Mathias, Trey              7 The Master's                   10-06.00   NWI 
 -- Cone, Stephen              8 Orangewood C        15-00.00       FOUL       
 -- Cross, Brandon             8 Foundation A                       FOUL       

Event 3  Girls Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Michaels, Kaitlin          7 The Christ S           58-01   66-07.50   10   
  2 Garganese, Isabella        7 Trinity Prep           53-10      60-06    8   
  3 Hickman, Ava               7 Trinity Prep           47-03      51-00    6   
  4 Hill, Myla                 6 Lake Highlan           37-00      49-10    5   
  5 Costin, Kiyah              6 The Christ S           40-02   43-00.50    4   
  6 Morgan, Isabella           7 The Christ S           44-01      42-11    3   
  7 Ross, Kelli                8 Lake Highlan           37-00      42-09    2   
  8 Canty, Lauren              7 The Master's                      42-06    1   
  9 Logan, Peyton              7 Lake Mary Pr           38-10   37-10.50  
 10 Callahan, Ellie            7 Lake Highlan           26-06   36-00.50  
 11 Kim, Grayson               7 Lake Highlan           45-00      35-08  
 12 Advincula, Anabella        6 Trinity Prep           33-01      32-02  

Event 4  Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Schreck, Myles             8 Trinity Prep          106-02     114-03   10   
  2 Gendreau, Andrew           8 Orangewood C           75-00      81-04    8   
  3 Atallah, Joseph            8 Trinity Prep           81-11   79-09.50    6   
  4 Belvin, Bryton             8 Lake Highlan           76-08   78-04.50    5   
  5 Wilson, Wheeler            7 Trinity Prep                      75-03    4   
  6 Marlett, Reid              8 The Christ S           65-02   72-00.50    3   
  7 Flemming, John Lawrence    8 First Academ           64-00      70-08    2   
  8 Mestre, Daniel             8 Lake Highlan        42-07.50      70-04    1   
  9 Holler, Colt               8 Trinity Prep           58-09      67-11  
 10 Niven, Callum             -- Lake Mary Pr           47-08   65-06.50  
 11 Lublin, Lee                8 Lake Highlan           56-09   64-11.50  
 12 Winfrey, Judah            -- Lake Mary Pr           61-08      64-08  
 13 Carson, Connor             8 Foundation A           58-09      63-08  
 14 Sood, Clovis              -- Lake Mary Pr           50-00      63-00  
 15 Ames, Kenny                8 Foundation A           85-11      62-07  
 16 Evens, Ethan               8 Orangewood C           62-07      59-11  
 17 Woodrow, Seth              6 The Christ S           50-01      46-08  
 18 Doyle, Nick                7 The Master's                   45-00.50  
 19 Schiller, Michael          6 The Master's                   44-00.50  
 20 Gullikson, Chase           5 The Christ S           36-02      43-07  
 21 Dally, Isaac               6 Lake Highlan           75-08   41-02.50  
 22 Martin, Parker             7 Lake Mary Pr           34-03   38-00.50  
 23 Mellen, Andrew             8 Orangewood C           36-10   36-02.50  
 24 Georges, Kenny             6 Orangewood C           33-00      29-08  

Event 5  Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Michaels, Kaitlin          7 The Christ S        28-04.50   28-05.00   10   
  2 Hill, Myla                 6 Lake Highlan        25-05.00   25-00.00    8   
  3 Garganese, Isabella        7 Trinity Prep        21-09.00   22-07.00    6   
  4 Morgan, Isabella           7 The Christ S        22-00.50   21-09.00    4.50
  4 Canty, Lauren              7 The Master's                   21-09.00    4.50
  6 Gasner, Kaitlin            8 Trinity Prep        22-02.00   21-02.00    3   
  7 Kim, Grayson               7 Lake Highlan        24-11.00   20-05.00    2   
  8 Hickman, Ava               7 Trinity Prep        17-11.00   19-05.00    1   
  9 Logan, Peyton              7 Lake Mary Pr        19-00.50   18-06.00  
 10 Sweeney, Rachael           7 Lake Highlan        23-07.00   16-08.00  
 11 Burgess, Mary Britton     -- First Academ        15-11.00   16-05.00  
 12 Williams, Audrey           6 The Christ S        16-11.00   15-08.00  
 12 Advincula, Anabella        6 Trinity Prep        17-01.00   15-08.00  

Event 6  Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Flemming, John Lawrence    8 First Academ        32-09.00   36-03.00   10   
  2 Smith, Zac                 7 First Academ        32-04.00   36-01.00    8   
  3 Schreck, Myles             8 Trinity Prep        34-00.00   35-07.50    6   
  4 Wilson, Wheeler            7 Trinity Prep        31-00.00   30-08.00    5   
  5 Ames, Kenny                8 Foundation A        29-05.00   29-06.00    4   
  6 Mestre, Daniel             8 Lake Highlan        35-03.00   29-00.00    3   
  7 Belvin, Bryton             8 Lake Highlan        30-01.00   27-08.00    2   
  8 Lublin, Lee                8 Lake Highlan        29-05.00   27-06.00    1   
  9 Marberry, Will             8 The Christ S        26-08.00   25-02.00  
 10 Doyle, Nick                7 The Master's                   24-07.00  
 11 Carson, Connor             8 Foundation A        24-04.00   23-08.00  
 12 Pacheo, Aj                 7 Orangewood C        19-04.00   23-04.00  
 13 Leonard, John              8 Trinity Prep        23-06.50   22-09.00  
 14 Holbrook, McGuire          6 Lake Highlan        25-01.00   21-09.00  
 15 Barnecott, Trent           6 Trinity Prep        21-04.00   21-04.00  
 16 Niven, Callum             -- Lake Mary Pr        24-05.00   21-03.00  
 17 Manfredi, Albert          -- Lake Mary Pr        11-07.00   19-05.00  
 18 Winfrey, Judah            -- Lake Mary Pr        25-06.00   19-02.00  
 19 Mincey, Gabriel            8 The Christ S        20-00.00   18-04.00  
 20 Barnette, Ethan            6 The Christ S        17-00.00   17-01.00  
 21 Woodrow, Seth              6 The Christ S        16-08.00   16-01.00  
 22 Martin, Parker             7 Lake Mary Pr        12-07.00   13-07.00  
 23 Walker, Blake              7 Orangewood C        15-00.00   13-06.00  
 24 Georges, Kenny             6 Orangewood C        15-00.00   13-01.00  

Event 7  Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Appah-Sampong, Adede       7 Trinity Prep         4-08.00    4-08.00   10   
  2 Malloy, Megan              8 Lake Mary Pr         4-08.00    4-04.00    7   
  2 Marlett, Addie             6 The Christ S         4-02.00    4-04.00    7   
  4 Butler, Jordan             7 The Master's                    4-02.00    3   
  4 Towle, Stephanie           6 The Christ S         4-06.00    4-02.00    3   
  4 Arney, Cecilia             6 Trinity Prep         4-02.00    4-02.00    3   
  4 Dawson, Lauryn            -- Lake Mary Pr         4-00.00    4-02.00    3   
  4 Simpson, Ella              6 Lake Highlan         4-00.00    4-02.00    3   
  9 Kissenberth, Emily         6 The Master's                    4-00.00  
 10 Carroll, Shae              7 Lake Highlan         3-06.00    3-10.00  
 10 Harrison, Courtney         7 The Christ S         4-04.00    3-10.00  
 12 Lindvall, Hannah           8 Trinity Prep         3-06.00    3-08.00  
 12 Formella, Carrie           6 The Christ S         3-04.00    3-08.00  
 12 Kim, Grayson               7 Lake Highlan         3-08.00    3-08.00  
 12 Dugan, Olivia              7 The Master's                    3-08.00  
 16 Hosch, Jessie              7 The Master's                    3-04.00  

Event 8  Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Brand, Alexander           8 Windermere P         5-00.00    5-00.00   10   
  2 Marseille, Pascal          8 The Master's                   J5-00.00    8   
  3 Deluzio, Joe               6 First Academ         4-10.00   J5-00.00    6   
  4 Marlett, Reid              8 The Christ S         4-08.00    4-06.00    4.50
  4 Rivera, Sergio             7 Lake Highlan         4-00.00    4-06.00    4.50
  6 Gidus, Luke                8 The Christ S         4-02.00    4-02.00    2.50
  6 Arney, John Paul           8 Trinity Prep         4-02.00    4-02.00    2.50
  8 Sinclair, Griffin          8 Orangewood C         4-00.00    4-00.00    0.33
  8 Fagan, Jake                7 Windermere P         4-00.00    4-00.00    0.33
  8 Davis, Justin              6 Trinity Prep         3-06.00    4-00.00    0.33
 11 Birkmire, Jeremy           7 The Master's                    3-10.00  
 11 Barnette, Ethan            6 The Christ S         3-10.00    3-10.00  
 11 Pacheo, Aj                 7 Orangewood C         4-00.00    3-10.00  
 14 Magpuri, Kano              6 Windermere P                    3-08.00  
 14 Menozzi, Vincent           9 Lake Highlan         4-00.00    3-08.00  
 -- Jones, John Arthur         6 Lake Highlan         3-06.00         NH  
 -- Geib, Jack                 8 Orangewood C         4-00.00         NH  
 -- Crag-Chaderton, Brandon    6 Trinity Prep         4-04.00         NH  
 -- Driscoll, Xavier           6 Trinity Prep         3-06.00         NH  

Event 9  Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Kahn, Samantha             6 Lake Highlan           14.60      14.26   NWI  1  10   
  2 Fields, Morgan             7 The Christ S           15.20      14.61   NWI  2   8   
  3 Gordon, Nadia              8 Windermere P           14.71      14.63   NWI  1   6   
  4 Gilmore, Ariana            6 First Academ           15.08      14.64   NWI  1   5   
  5 Appah-Sampong, Adede       7 Trinity Prep           14.92      14.71   NWI  1   3.50
  5 Elder, Leah               -- Lake Mary Pr           15.00      14.71   NWI  1   3.50
  7 Koegler, Hannah            8 Lake Highlan           14.70      14.91   NWI  1   2   
  8 Dugan, Olivia              7 The Master's           15.80      15.03   NWI  3   1   
  9 Simon, Rori                6 Lake Highlan           15.00      15.05   NWI  1 
 10 Butler, Jordan             7 The Master's           15.08      15.07   NWI  1 
 11 Veneziano, Nikki           8 Trinity Prep           15.13      15.11   NWI  2 
 12 Harrison, Courtney         7 The Christ S           15.24      15.16   NWI  2 
 13 Marlett, Addie             6 The Christ S           15.12      15.19   NWI  2 
 14 Dolle, Lindsey             7 Trinity Prep                      15.23   NWI  3 
 15 Towle, Stephanie           6 The Christ S           15.25      15.27   NWI  2 
 16 Bastone, Olivia            8 Windermere P           15.43      15.34   NWI  2 
 17 Kissenberth, Emily         6 The Master's                      15.47   NWI  3 
 18 Fleischner, Camryn         7 Windermere P           15.85      15.74   NWI  3 
 19 Parker, Grace              7 Trinity Prep                      16.13   NWI  4 
 20 Lewis, Sydney             -- Lake Mary Pr           15.98      16.27   NWI  3 
 21 Thorsdottir, Halldora      6 Windermere P                      18.21   NWI  4 

Event 10  Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Axson, Lance               8 Foundation A                      12.60   NWI  3  10   
  2 Marseille, Pascal          8 The Master's                      12.68   NWI  4   8   
  3 Cross, Brandon             8 Foundation A           13.18      12.86   NWI  1   6   
  4 Deese, Nick                8 Lake Highlan           14.17      12.88   NWI  2   5   
  5 Peres, Mathews             8 Windermere P           12.86      12.91   NWI  1   4   
  6 Trumble, Carl              8 Lake Highlan           14.28      13.39   NWI  2   3   
  7 Manning, David             6 Trinity Prep                      13.44   NWI  3   2   
  8 Khan, Zuhaib               7 Windermere P           13.75      13.58   NWI  1   1   
  9 Cone, Stephen              8 Orangewood C           13.54      13.70   NWI  1 
 10 Small, Dylan               8 Lake Highlan           14.30      14.00   NWI  2 
 11 Flemming, John Lawrence    8 First Academ           14.14      14.08   NWI  1 
 12 Ellis, Lake                6 First Academ           13.00      14.25   NWI  1 
 13 Zipay, Matthew             7 Trinity Prep           15.09      14.75   NWI  2 
 14 Tipping, Garrett          -- The Christ S           15.12      14.90   NWI  2 
 15 Pittenger, Lawton          7 The Christ S           14.85      15.03   NWI  2 
 16 Vandendreissche, Paul      7 Trinity Prep                      15.07   NWI  4 
 17 Jochum, Parker             8 Trinity Prep                      15.23   NWI  3 
 18 Lennon, Matt               6 The Master's                      15.33   NWI  4 
 19 St Germain, Michael       10 Orangewood C           16.10      15.84   NWI  3 
 20 Mathias, Trey              7 The Master's           15.74      15.90   NWI  3 
 21 Woodrow, Seth              6 The Christ S           16.57      16.50   NWI  3 
 22 McDaniel, Matthew          6 The Master's                      17.28   NWI  4 
 23 Walker, Blake              7 Orangewood C           18.68      18.93   NWI  3 
 24 Georges, Kenny             6 Orangewood C                      20.76   NWI  4 
 -- Frazier, Rolous            7 First Academ           12.77        DNF   NWI  1 

Event 11  Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Crist, Caroline            8 First Academ         5:52.63    5:56.88   10   
  2 Boyd, Rachel               7 The Master's                    6:11.63    8   
  3 Pisello, Sophia            8 Trinity Prep                    6:18.68    6   
  4 Ciscernos, Alexandra       7 Lake Highlan         6:28.16    6:29.17    5   
  5 Lundy, Bella               7 Trinity Prep                    6:42.03    4   
  6 Olore, Sophia              7 Trinity Prep                    6:42.10    3   
  7 Israel, Lily               8 Trinity Prep         6:45.66    6:43.51    2   
  8 Ikeda, Megan               6 Windermere P         6:51.09    6:50.39    1   
  9 Meadows, Chloe             8 The Master's         6:34.08    7:14.96  

Event 12  Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Drogosch, Grant            8 Windermere P         5:12.70    5:14.51   10   
  2 St Germain, Christian      8 Orangewood C         5:57.45    5:32.35    8   
  3 Word, Adkins               8 First Academ         5:39.07    5:37.24    6   
  4 Leider, Sean               8 Trinity Prep                    5:39.91    5   
  5 Kinney, Sebastian          7 Lake Mary Pr         5:30.78    5:48.38    4   
  6 Fadool, Jacob              7 Lake Highlan         5:40.52    5:52.36    3   
  7 Tressler III, Daniel       6 Trinity Prep                    5:53.09    2   
  8 Anderson, Jackson          8 Lake Highlan         5:50.51    5:54.89    1   
  9 Driscoll, Will             8 Trinity Prep                    5:58.19  
 10 Peluso, Joseph             8 Trinity Prep         6:16.85    5:58.26  
 11 Phipps, Cole               7 First Academ         6:21.34    6:00.59  
 12 Stevenson, Gage            7 Orangewood C         6:00.09    6:01.57  
 13 Kapke, Alex                6 The Master's                    6:02.42  
 14 Marberry, Will             8 The Christ S         6:00.14    6:05.85  
 15 Cook, Owen                 6 The Christ S         6:32.64    6:06.03  
 16 Ruble, Grant               8 First Academ         6:27.93    6:06.25  
 17 Kenoyer, Ty                6 Foundation A         6:10.36    6:22.29  
 18 Bobo, Reese                7 Lake Highlan         6:03.00    6:29.87  
 19 Albertson, Josh            6 Foundation A         6:46.27    6:33.51  
 20 Lenoci, Zach               6 Windermere P         6:41.17    6:36.07  
 21 Estein, Franklin           8 Windermere P         6:40.94    6:48.04  
 22 Lopez, Nicolas            -- Lake Mary Pr         5:32.65    7:05.21  

Event 13  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Lake Highland Prep HS  'A'                                     58.64   1  10   
  2 Trinity Prep  'A'                                   59.29    1:00.00   1   8   
  3 The Christ School  'A'                            1:02.30    1:00.94   1   6   
  4 Lake Mary Prep  'A'                               1:00.03    1:03.08   1   5   
  5 Windermere Prep  'A'                              1:06.02    1:06.19   1   4   
  6 The Master's Academy (Oviedo)  'A'                           1:06.25   1   3   
 -- Trinity Prep  'B'                                   59.29   X1:02.33   2 
 -- Trinity Prep  'C'                                   59.29   X1:04.98   2 
 -- The Christ School  'B'                            1:02.30   X1:05.09   2 
 -- Lake Highland Prep HS  'B'                                  X1:06.30   2 
 -- Lake Mary Prep  'B'                               1:20.03   X1:12.40   2 

Event 14  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Lake Highland Prep HS  'A'                                     53.22   1  10   
  2 Trinity Prep  'A'                                   55.95      53.64   1   8   
  3 Orangewood Christian  'A'                           53.52      54.47   1   6   
  4 The Master's Academy (Oviedo)  'A'                             58.74   1   5   
  5 Windermere Prep  'A'                                55.73      59.89   1   4   
  6 The Christ School  'A'                            1:01.69    1:00.62   1   3   
 -- Lake Highland Prep HS  'B'                                    X57.12   2 
 -- Lake Highland Prep HS  'C'                                    X59.73   2 
 -- Trinity Prep  'B'                                   55.95   X1:00.04   2 
 -- The Master's Academy (Oviedo)  'B'                          X1:05.53   2 
 -- Orangewood Christian  'B'                                   X1:05.98   2 
 -- Windermere Prep  'B'                                55.73   X1:06.33   2 

Event 15  Girls 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Best, Jianna               8 Lake Highlan         1:06.00    1:09.63   1  10   
  2 Boyd, Rachel               7 The Master's                    1:10.28   3   8   
  3 Crist, Caroline            8 First Academ                    1:12.00   3   6   
  4 Kim, Grayson               7 Lake Highlan         1:18.00    1:13.03   1   5   
  5 Pineda, Emily              8 The Master's         1:12.09    1:13.67   1   4   
  6 Schrago, Emma              8 The Christ S         1:15.13    1:14.52   1   3   
  7 Chen, Jenna                8 Trinity Prep                    1:17.21   2   2   
  8 Davis, Sarah               7 The Master's                    1:18.54   3   1   
  9 Sparkman, Syni            -- Lake Mary Pr         1:19.83    1:19.03   1 
 10 Jones, Michelle            8 Trinity Prep                    1:19.43   3 
 11 Lipton, Alexandra          8 Trinity Prep                    1:19.83   2 
 12 Burgess, Mary Britton     -- First Academ         1:19.89    1:19.87   1 
 13 Osterhoudt, Ashley         7 Lake Highlan         1:21.00    1:21.08   2 
 14 Dawson, Lauryn            -- Lake Mary Pr         1:20.23    1:22.66   2 
 15 Formella, Carrie           6 The Christ S         1:18.69    1:22.93   1 
 16 Langhoff, Grace            6 Foundation A                    1:23.96   3 
 17 Hosch, Jessie              7 The Master's                    1:24.93   3 
 18 Torres, Victoria          -- Lake Mary Pr         1:35.85    1:28.24   2 
 19 Smith, Karly               7 Foundation A                    1:29.90   3 
 20 Lindvall, Hannah           8 Trinity Prep         1:22.01    1:33.83   2 
 21 Bakun, Lauren             -- Lake Mary Pr         1:27.45    1:37.54   2 

Event 16  Boys 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Gaston, Jason             -- Lake Mary Pr           59.93    1:00.83   1  10   
  2 Brand, Alexander           8 Windermere P           59.44    1:02.12   1   8   
  3 Evans, Ikey                7 Trinity Prep                    1:02.76   4   6   
  4 Smith, Zac                 7 First Academ         1:03.63    1:03.09   1   5   
  5 Gendreau, Andrew           8 Orangewood C         1:02.08    1:03.23   1   4   
  6 Small, Dylan               8 Lake Highlan         1:15.00    1:04.59   2   3   
  7 Deluzio, Joe               6 First Academ         1:05.25    1:04.75   1   2   
  8 Gaskin, Myles              8 Orangewood C         1:15.00    1:05.35   2   1   
  9 St Germain, Christian      8 Orangewood C         1:02.00    1:07.49   1 
 10 Gidus, Luke                8 The Christ S         1:10.04    1:08.47   1 
 11 Schreck, Myles             8 Trinity Prep                    1:09.77   4 
 12 Zhou, Francisco            7 Lake Highlan         1:13.00    1:09.78   2 
 13 Menozzi, Vincent           9 Lake Highlan         1:25.00    1:10.38   3 
 14 Ames, Kenny                8 Foundation A                    1:11.10   5 
 15 Sood, Clovis              -- Lake Mary Pr         1:14.14    1:12.10   2 
 16 Kenoyer, Ty                6 Foundation A                    1:14.13   5 
 17 Swann, Rock                6 The Christ S         1:13.98    1:14.87   2 
 18 Doyle, Nick                7 The Master's                    1:15.15   4 
 19 Mincey, Gabriel            8 The Christ S         1:15.80    1:15.48   2 
 20 Crag-Chaderton, Brandon    6 Trinity Prep                    1:16.32   4 
 21 Scaramuzza, Antonio        6 Windermere P         1:14.67    1:16.50   2 
 22 Mellen, Andrew             8 Orangewood C         1:18.72    1:18.49   3 
 23 Bowhay, Tristan            6 Windermere P                    1:19.52   4 
 24 Schiller, Michael          6 The Master's                    1:23.31   3 
 25 Gee, Raul                  6 First Academ         1:27.18    1:24.17   3 
 26 Davis, Joshua              8 The Master's                    1:29.55   3 

Event 17  Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Gannaway, Danielle         5 First Academ                    2:41.50   10   
  2 Simpson, Ella              6 Lake Highlan         2:45.00    2:44.04    8   
  3 McAnally, Audrey           6 Trinity Prep                    2:45.63    6   
  4 Demetriades, Olivia        7 Trinity Prep                    3:02.34    5   
  5 Burns, Caroline            6 Trinity Prep                    3:06.01    4   
  6 Ikeda, Megan               6 Windermere P         3:03.74    3:06.46    3   
  7 Small, Juliet              7 Lake Highlan         3:13.00    3:07.40    2   
  8 Barron, Hannah             6 First Academ                    3:07.98    1   
  9 Blumenfeld, Sofia          6 Trinity Prep                    3:08.07  
 10 Burgess, Mary Britton     -- First Academ                    3:10.74  
 11 Larabee, Bennett           7 Lake Highlan         3:02.00    3:10.82  
 12 Villanueva, Eliana         6 The Master's                    3:11.09  
 13 Koepke, Trinity            6 The Christ S         3:23.42    3:16.26  
 14 Michaels, Kaitlin          7 The Christ S         3:21.90    3:21.97  

Event 18  Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Drogosch, Grant            8 Windermere P         2:24.23    2:21.31   1  10   
  2 Galloway, Mamush           6 Trinity Prep                    2:24.68   2   8   
  3 Galloway, Kayamo           6 Trinity Prep                    2:27.70   2   6   
  4 Word, Adkins               8 First Academ         3:01.60    2:38.22   1   5   
  5 Kinney, Sebastian          7 Lake Mary Pr         2:38.18    2:38.25   1   4   
  6 Woodruff, Ricky            8 Trinity Prep                    2:40.94   2   3   
  7 Fadool, Jacob              7 Lake Highlan         2:43.00    2:43.93   1   2   
  8 Stephens, Thomas           6 Lake Highlan         2:52.00    2:45.14   1   1   
  9 Piercy, Kole               6 Lake Highlan         2:49.00    2:45.66   1 
 10 Ruach, Danny               7 The Christ S         3:00.00    2:46.69   1 
 11 Phipps, Cole               7 First Academ         3:10.00    2:50.49   2 
 12 Olson, Max                 8 Lake Highlan         2:54.00    2:51.38   1 
 13 Stevenson, Gage            7 Orangewood C         2:50.00    2:53.01   1 
 14 Ruble, Grant               8 First Academ                    2:55.75   2 
 15 Gullikson, Chase           5 The Christ S         3:10.00    2:57.20   2 
 16 Sinclair, Griffin          8 Orangewood C         3:09.30    2:58.00   2 
 17 Garris, Ethan              6 The Christ S         3:02.00    3:01.23   1 
 18 O'Brien, Jacob             7 Foundation A         3:05.50    3:08.32   2 
 19 Place, Easton              6 Trinity Prep                    3:11.09   2 
 20 Estein, Franklin           8 Windermere P         3:15.08    3:13.13   2 
 21 Lopez, Nicolas            -- Lake Mary Pr         2:40.32    3:16.49   1 
 22 Colombo, Justin            6 Foundation A         3:24.87    3:18.23   2 
 23 Lenoci, Zach               6 Windermere P         3:22.78    3:24.55   2 

Event 19  Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Moore, Abby                7 First Academ                      30.01   NWI  3  10   
  2 Kahn, Samantha             6 Lake Highlan           30.20      30.38   NWI  1   8   
  3 Pineda, Emily              8 The Master's           29.75      30.52   NWI  1   6   
  4 Gordon, Nadia              8 Windermere P           30.59      30.58   NWI  1   5   
  5 Gilmore, Ariana            6 First Academ           32.60      30.69   NWI  2   4   
  6 Vullier, Alissa            7 Trinity Prep           30.78      30.78   NWI  1   3   
  7 Koegler, Hannah            8 Lake Highlan           32.54      30.85   NWI  1   2   
  8 Gasner, Kaitlin            8 Trinity Prep                      31.11   NWI  4   1   
  9 Petrucelly, Victoria       8 The Christ S           31.53      32.12   NWI  1 
 10 Jones, Michelle            8 Trinity Prep                      32.14   NWI  3 
 11 Bastone, Olivia            8 Windermere P           32.65      32.26   NWI  2 
 12 Lewis, Sydney             -- Lake Mary Pr           29.76      32.75   NWI  1 
 13 Malloy, Megan              8 Lake Mary Pr           32.75      32.86   NWI  2 
 14 Mascarenhas, Anya          6 Lake Highlan           33.60      33.21   NWI  2 
 15 Otto, Haven                9 Lake Mary Pr           34.60      33.70   NWI  2 
 16 Argov, Sappir              7 Trinity Prep           38.02      33.82   NWI  3 
 17 Davis, Sarah               7 The Master's                      34.48   NWI  4 
 18 Fleischner, Camryn         7 Windermere P           33.78      34.50   NWI  2 
 19 Canty, Lauren              7 The Master's                      34.87   NWI  4 
 20 Langhoff, Grace            6 Foundation A           33.31      35.49   NWI  2 
 21 Lazarus, Camille           6 Lake Highlan           33.40      35.75   NWI  2 
 22 Costin, Kiyah              6 The Christ S           36.56      39.30   NWI  3 
 23 Costin, Kayla              6 The Christ S           39.60      41.53   NWI  3 
 24 Williams, Audrey           6 The Christ S           44.68      46.83   NWI  3 

Event 20  Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Cloe, Tristan              8 Trinity Prep                      26.05   NWI  4  10   
  2 Axson, Lance               8 Foundation A                      26.14   NWI  3   8   
  3 Peres, Mathews             8 Windermere P           26.06      26.47   NWI  1   6   
  4 Schreck, Myles             8 Trinity Prep           26.47      26.99   NWI  1   5   
  5 Cross, Brandon             8 Foundation A                      27.21   NWI  4   4   
  6 Trumble, Carl              8 Lake Highlan           29.60      27.23   NWI  1   3   
  7 Smith, Zac                 7 First Academ           27.00      27.28   NWI  1   2   
  8 Cone, Stephen              8 Orangewood C           27.67      28.13   NWI  1   1   
  9 Khan, Zuhaib               7 Windermere P           30.19      28.31   NWI  2 
 10 Winfrey, Judah            -- Lake Mary Pr           30.00      29.74   NWI  1 
 11 Jochum, Parker             8 Trinity Prep                      30.29   NWI  4 
 12 Leckie, Griffin            8 Lake Highlan           32.45      30.35   NWI  2 
 13 Ellis, Lake                6 First Academ           30.69      30.67   NWI  2 
 14 Birkmire, Jeremy           7 The Master's                      31.17   NWI  4 
 15 Crag-Chaderton, Brandon    6 Trinity Prep                      31.33   NWI  4 
 16 Pittenger, Lawton          7 The Christ S           31.65      31.38   NWI  2 
 17 Tipping, Garrett          -- The Christ S           31.91      32.08   NWI  2 
 18 Lysenko, Max               8 Lake Highlan           33.42      32.22   NWI  2 
 19 Bergin, Ryan              -- Lake Highlan           34.50      33.01   NWI  2 
 20 Barnette, Ethan            6 The Christ S           36.49      33.96   NWI  3 
 21 St Germain, Michael       10 Orangewood C           37.00      34.85   NWI  3 
 22 Lennon, Matt               6 The Master's                      35.63   NWI  4 
 23 Polk, Aiden                6 Windermere P           36.74      37.06   NWI  3 
 24 McDaniel, Matthew          6 The Master's                      37.37   NWI  4 
 25 Pacheo, Aj                 7 Orangewood C           35.44      38.13   NWI  3 
 26 Davis, Joshua              8 The Master's           40.51      38.41   NWI  3 
 27 Fagan, Jake                7 Windermere P           37.12      38.90   NWI  3 
 28 Walker, Blake              7 Orangewood C           40.65      42.03   NWI  3 

Event 21  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Trinity Prep  'A'                                 4:48.63    4:53.83   2  10   
  2 First Academy (Orlando)  'A'                      4:45.35    5:01.12   2   8   
  3 Lake Highland Prep HS  'A'                        4:38.00    5:02.81   2   6   
  4 The Christ School  'A'                            5:27.98    5:04.56   2   5   
  5 The Master's Academy (Oviedo)  'A'                           5:34.58   2   4   
 -- Lake Highland Prep HS  'B'                        4:49.00   X5:28.13   1 
 -- Trinity Prep  'B'                                 4:48.63   X5:28.21   1 
 -- Trinity Prep  'C'                                 4:48.63   X5:44.87   1 
 -- The Christ School  'B'                            5:27.98   X5:51.45   1 

Event 22  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Trinity Prep  'A'                                 3:32.38    4:17.79   2  10   
  2 Windermere Prep  'A'                              4:48.03    4:25.88   2   8   
  3 Orangewood Christian  'A'                         4:31.69    4:27.76   2   6   
  4 Lake Highland Prep HS  'A'                        4:35.00    4:31.03   2   5   
  5 The Christ School  'A'                            5:15.36    5:13.16   2   4   
  6 The Master's Academy (Oviedo)  'A'                           5:54.00   2   3   
 -- Lake Highland Prep HS  'B'                        5:07.00   X5:02.94   1 
 -- Lake Highland Prep HS  'C'                                  X5:17.73   1 
 -- Trinity Prep  'B'                                 3:32.38   X5:33.47   1 

Event 23  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Trinity Prep  'A'                                 9:01.44   10:07.75   10   
      2:26.68 (2:26.68)  4:55.26 (2:28.58)  7:38.87 (2:43.61)
  2 Lake Highland Prep HS  'A'                       10:45.00   10:33.95    8   
      2:31.21 (2:31.21)  5:13.09 (2:41.89)  7:52.70 (2:39.61)
  3 The Christ School  'A'                           11:31.20   10:55.45    6   
      2:39.16 (2:39.16)  5:27.62 (2:48.47)  8:19.49 (2:51.87)    8:44.38 (24.90)
  4 Orangewood Christian  'A'                        11:47.67   10:55.56    5   
      2:47.15 (2:47.15)  5:38.33 (2:51.18)  8:12.73 (2:34.41)
 -- Lake Highland Prep HS  'B'                       11:02.00  X10:51.84  
      2:42.16 (2:42.16)  5:28.42 (2:46.27)  8:16.69 (2:48.27)
 -- The Christ School  'B'                           11:31.20  X11:25.98  
      2:49.34 (2:49.34)  5:55.74 (3:06.40)
 -- Trinity Prep  'B'                                 9:01.44  X11:26.06  
      2:40.51 (2:40.51)  5:24.69 (2:44.18)  8:42.50 (3:17.81)
 -- Lake Highland Prep HS  'C'                                 X11:55.67  
      2:44.39 (2:44.39)  5:44.15 (2:59.77)  8:45.15 (3:01.01)

Event 24  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Trinity Prep  'A'                                11:50.17   11:29.89   10   
      2:48.61 (2:48.61)
  2 Lake Highland Prep HS  'A'                       10:48.00   11:53.26    8   
      2:47.83 (2:47.83)
  3 The Christ School  'A'                           13:05.10   12:17.77    6   
      2:54.93 (2:54.93)     2:55.22 (0.30)
 -- Trinity Prep  'B'                                11:50.17  X12:19.25  
      2:57.86 (2:57.86)
 -- Lake Highland Prep HS  'B'                       12:43.00  X13:28.46  
      2:55.23 (2:55.23)
 -- The Christ School  'B'                           13:05.10  X13:29.54  
      3:08.85 (3:08.85)

                    Women - Team Rankings - 12 Events Scored
    1) Trinity Prep               113.50     2) Lake Highland Prep HS     109   
    3) The Christ School           69.50     4) First Academy (Orlando)    58.50
    5) The Master's Academy (Ovie  54        6) Lake Mary Prep             20.50
    7) Windermere Prep             19                                           

                    Men - Team Rankings - 12 Events Scored
    1) Trinity Prep               117.83     2) Windermere Prep            76.33
    3) Lake Highland Prep HS       64.50     4) First Academy (Orlando)    54.50
    5) Orangewood Christian        39.33     6) Foundation Academy         32   
    7) The Master's Academy (Ovie  24        8) The Christ School          23   
    9) Lake Mary Prep              20.50
