Go to direct athletics to enter your athletes in this meethttps://www.directathletics.com/meets/track/59141.html
8 teams – please contact Coach Benjamin Willis
Limit 8 teams – please contact Coach Benjamin Willis Benjamin.Willis@tvcs.org or (850)519-5358 for the password to enter the meet.3:45 pm Coaches Meeting 4:00 pm First running event – Girls 4×800 Relay 4:00 pm and all field events. Event Limit 4 , 4 per open events & field, 4 for distance. Relay Limits 1. Meet Fees $40 per gender team. Mail Checks to 251 Buffalo Trail The Villages, Fl 32162 or accepted on race day.Checks payable to VHS Athletics 4 entries race. 4 per 800m, 1600m and 3200m. 4 per field 1 relay team/ school Contact Benjamin Willis (850)519-5358 or Benjamin.Willis@tvcs.org to receive an invitation