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Greater Orlando Middle School Series #1 2014

Licensed to Elite Timing & Event Management - Contractor License
                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 2/11/2014 09:30 PM
              Greater Orlando Midle School Series #1 - 2/11/2014               
                               The First Academy                               

Event 1  Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Wind Points
  1 Vullier, Alissa            7 Trinity Prep        12-07.00   13-04.25   NWI  10   
  2 Otto, Haven                9 Lake Mary Pr        10-08.75   11-11.75   NWI   8   
  3 Sparkman, Syni            -- Lake Mary Pr         9-00.00   11-11.00   NWI   6   
  4 Pisello, Sophia            8 Trinity Prep                   11-10.50   NWI   5   
  5 Olore, Sophia              7 Trinity Prep        12-01.50   11-06.25   NWI   4   
  6 Gilmore, Ariana            6 First Academ                   11-05.00   NWI   3   
  7 Petrucelly, Victoria       8 The Christ S        11-07.00   11-01.25   NWI   2   
  8 Dawson, Lauryn            -- Lake Mary Pr        10-00.00   11-00.25   NWI   1   
  9 Veneziano, Nikki           8 Trinity Prep                   10-11.00   NWI 
 10 Costin, Kayla              6 The Christ S        11-00.00   10-05.00   NWI 
 11 Long, Alexa                8 The Christ S        11-02.00   10-00.00   NWI 
 12 Fleischner, Camryn         7 Windermere P                    9-05.50   NWI 
 13 Sood, Odeline             -- Lake Mary Pr         9-00.00    9-05.00   NWI 
 14 Smith, Amanda              6 The Christ S        11-00.00    9-04.25   NWI 
 15 Ikeda, Megan               6 Windermere P                    9-02.00   NWI 
 16 Thorsdottir, Halldora      6 Windermere P                    8-00.00   NWI 

Event 2  Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Wind Points
  1 Brand, Alexander           8 Windermere P        15-06.50   16-05.00   NWI  10   
  2 Penny, Parker              8 Orangewood C        12-00.00   15-08.00   NWI   8   
  3 Evans, Ikey                7 Trinity Prep                   15-06.00   NWI   6   
  4 Cloe, Tristan              8 Trinity Prep                   15-05.00   NWI   5   
  5 Ellis, Lake                6 First Academ                   15-03.00   NWI   4   
  6 Zipay, Matthew             7 Trinity Prep                   14-02.00   NWI   3   
  7 Pittenger, Lawton          7 The Christ S                   14-00.50   NWI   2   
  8 Geib, Jack                 8 Orangewood C        10-00.00   13-07.00   NWI   1   
  9 Swann, Rock                6 The Christ S        12-09.50   13-01.50   NWI 
 10 Manning, David             6 Trinity Prep                   12-07.00   NWI 
 11 Fagan, Jake                7 Windermere P        11-05.00   12-05.00   NWI 
 12 Sood, Clovis              -- Lake Mary Pr        14-00.00   12-02.00   NWI 
 13 Marberry, Will             8 The Christ S        13-02.00   12-00.00   NWI 
 14 Millard, Nicholas          7 The Christ S        12-01.00   11-08.00   NWI 
 15 Botens, Ethan              7 Windermere P        12-04.00   10-05.50   NWI 
 -- Scaramuzza, Antonio        6 Windermere P                       FOUL       
 -- Georges, Kenny             6 Orangewood C        10-00.00       FOUL       

Event 3  Girls Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Michaels, Kaitlin          7 The Christ S           55-01      58-01   10   
  2 Garganese, Isabella        7 Trinity Prep                      53-10    8   
  3 Hickman, Ava               7 Trinity Prep                      47-03    6   
  4 Morgan, Isabella           7 The Christ S           45-01      44-01    5   
  5 Jones, Michelle            8 Trinity Prep                      40-10    4   
  6 Costin, Kiyah              6 The Christ S        40-01.50      40-02    3   
  7 Logan, Peyton              7 Lake Mary Pr           37-00      38-10    2   
  8 Advincula, Anabella        6 Trinity Prep                      33-01    1   

Event 4  Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Schreck, Myles             8 Trinity Prep           81-07     106-02   10   
  2 Ames, Kenny                  Foundation A                      85-11    8   
  3 Atallah, Joseph            8 Trinity Prep           59-09      81-11    6   
  4 Smith, Zac                 7 First Academ                      74-09    5   
  5 Jochum, Parker             8 Trinity Prep           55-05      66-10    4   
  6 Marlett, Reid              8 The Christ S           54-01      65-02    3   
  7 Flemming, John Lawrence    8 First Academ                      64-00    2   
  8 Millard, Nicholas          7 The Christ S        46-00.50      62-07    1   
  9 Evens, Ethan               8 Orangewood C           30-00     J62-07  
 10 Winfrey, Judah            -- Lake Mary Pr           30-00      61-08  
 11 Carson, Connor             8 Foundation A        47-09.50      58-09  
 11 Holler, Colt               8 Trinity Prep                      58-09  
 13 Woodrow, Seth              6 The Christ S           44-02      50-01  
 14 Niven, Callum             -- Lake Mary Pr           30-00      47-08  
 15 Mellen, Andrew             8 Orangewood C           30-00      36-10  
 16 Gullikson, Chase           5 The Christ S           44-00      36-02  
 17 Martin, Parker             7 Lake Mary Pr           30-00      34-03  
 18 Georges, Kenny             6 Orangewood C           20-00      33-00  
 19 Walker, Blake              7 Orangewood C           35-00      19-06  

Event 5  Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Michaels, Kaitlin          7 The Christ S        27-02.25   28-04.50   10   
  2 Gasner, Kaitlin            8 Trinity Prep                   22-02.00    8   
  3 Morgan, Isabella           7 The Christ S        19-01.00   22-00.50    6   
  4 Garganese, Isabella        7 Trinity Prep                   21-09.00    5   
  5 Blastic, Gracie            7 The Christ S        18-02.00   20-04.00    4   
  6 Logan, Peyton              7 Lake Mary Pr        16-08.00   19-00.50    3   
  7 Hickman, Ava               7 Trinity Prep                   17-11.00    2   
  8 Advincula, Anabella        6 Trinity Prep                   17-01.00    1   
  9 Williams, Audrey           6 The Christ S        14-04.00   16-11.00  
 10 Burgess, Mary Britton     -- First Academ        13-10.25   15-11.00  

Event 6  Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Schreck, Myles             8 Trinity Prep        26-03.25   34-00.00   10   
  2 Flemming, John Lawrence    8 First Academ                   32-09.00    8   
  3 Smith, Zac                 7 First Academ                   32-04.00    6   
  4 Wilson, Wheeler            7 Trinity Prep                   31-00.00    5   
  5 Ames, Kenny                  Foundation A                   29-05.00    4   
  6 Marberry, Will             8 The Christ S        22-04.00   26-08.00    3   
  7 Winfrey, Judah            -- Lake Mary Pr        15-00.00   25-06.00    2   
  8 Cone, Stephen              8 Orangewood C        20-00.00   25-05.00    1   
  9 Niven, Callum             -- Lake Mary Pr        15-00.00   24-05.00  
 10 Carson, Connor             8 Foundation A        19-04.50   24-04.00  
 11 Leonard, John              8 Trinity Prep                   23-06.50  
 12 Barnecott, Trent           6 Trinity Prep                   21-04.00  
 13 Evens, Ethan               8 Orangewood C        20-00.00   19-07.00  
 14 Pacheo, Aj                 7 Orangewood C        20-00.00   19-04.00  
 15 Barnette, Ethan            6 The Christ S        14-05.75   17-00.00  
 16 St Germain, Michael       10 Orangewood C        20-00.00   16-11.00  
 17 Woodrow, Seth              6 The Christ S        21-02.00   16-08.00  
 18 Martin, Parker             7 Lake Mary Pr        15-00.00   12-07.00  

Event 7  Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Gilbert, Kinsey            7 Lake Mary Pr         5-02.00    5-00.00   10   
  2 Malloy, Megan              8 Lake Mary Pr         4-06.00    4-08.00    7   
  2 Appah-Sampong, Adede       7 Trinity Prep         4-02.00    4-08.00    7   
  4 Towle, Stephanie           6 The Christ S         4-04.00    4-06.00    5   
  5 Chen, Jenna                8 Trinity Prep                    4-04.00    4   
  6 Arney, Cecilia             6 Trinity Prep                    4-02.00    2   
  6 Harrison, Courtney         7 The Christ S         4-04.00    4-02.00    2   
  6 Marlett, Addie             6 The Christ S         4-00.00    4-02.00    2   
  9 Dawson, Lauryn            -- Lake Mary Pr         3-08.00    4-00.00  
 10 Garcia, Ashley             6 Trinity Prep                    3-10.00  
 11 Formella, Carrie           6 The Christ S         4-00.00    3-04.00  

Event 8  Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Brand, Alexander           8 Windermere P         4-06.00    5-00.00   10   
  2 Deluzio, Joe               6 First Academ                    4-10.00    8   
  3 Marlett, Reid              8 The Christ S         4-00.00    4-08.00    6   
  4 Crag-Chaderton, Brandon    6 Trinity Prep                    4-04.00    5   
  5 Gidus, Luke                8 The Christ S         3-10.00    4-02.00    4   
  6 Fagan, Jake                7 Windermere P         3-10.00    4-00.00    2.50
  6 Arney, John Paul           8 Trinity Prep         4-02.00    4-00.00    2.50
  8 Barnette, Ethan            6 The Christ S         3-10.00    3-10.00    1   
  9 Davis, Justin              6 Trinity Prep                    3-06.00  
  9 Driscoll, Xavier           6 Trinity Prep                    3-06.00  

Event 9  Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Vullier, Alissa            7 Trinity Prep           14.36      14.31   1.0  1  10   
  2 Gordon, Nadia              8 Windermere P           15.02      14.71   1.0  1   8   
  3 Gilbert, Kinsey            7 Lake Mary Pr           15.00      14.87   1.0  1   6   
  4 Gilmore, Ariana            6 First Academ           15.00      15.08   1.0  1   5   
  5 Marlett, Addie             6 The Christ S           15.80      15.12   NWI  2   4   
  6 Veneziano, Nikki           8 Trinity Prep                      15.13   NWI  3   3   
  7 Gasner, Kaitlin            8 Trinity Prep                      15.17   NWI  3   2   
  8 Harrison, Courtney         7 The Christ S           15.52      15.24   1.0  1   1   
  9 Towle, Stephanie           6 The Christ S           15.60      15.25   NWI  2 
 10 Malloy, Megan              8 Lake Mary Pr           14.80      15.30   1.0  1 
 11 Bastone, Olivia            8 Windermere P                      15.43   NWI  3 
 12 Jones, Michelle            8 Trinity Prep                      15.57   NWI  2 
 13 Otto, Haven                9 Lake Mary Pr           17.12      15.60   NWI  2 
 14 Fleischner, Camryn         7 Windermere P                      15.85   NWI  3 
 15 Lewis, Sydney             -- Lake Mary Pr           14.50      15.98   1.0  1 
 16 Hogan, Lauren              6 Foundation A                      16.07   NWI  2 
 17 Smith, Karly               7 Foundation A           16.76      16.15   NWI  2 
 18 Langhoff, Grace            6 Foundation A                      16.29   NWI  2 
 19 Blastic, Gracie            7 The Christ S           16.00      17.57   NWI  2 

Event 10  Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Frazier, Rolous            7 First Academ           14.00      12.77  +0.0  2  10   
  2 Penny, Parker              8 Orangewood C           13.00      12.80   1.4  1   8   
  3 Cloe, Tristan              8 Trinity Prep           14.02      12.84  +0.0  2   6   
  4 Peres, Mathews             8 Windermere P           13.50      12.86   1.4  1   5   
  5 Cross, Brandon             8 Foundation A                      13.18   1.1  4   4   
  6 Evans, Ikey                7 Trinity Prep                      13.25   1.1  4   3   
  7 Range, Grayson             8 Foundation A           13.71      13.52   1.4  1   2   
  8 Cone, Stephen              8 Orangewood C           13.00      13.54   1.4  1   1   
  9 Khan, Zuhaib               7 Windermere P           14.75      13.75  +0.0  2 
  9 Gaston, Jason             -- Lake Mary Pr           13.50      13.75   1.4  1 
 11 Flemming, John Lawrence    8 First Academ           15.00      14.14  +0.0  2 
 12 Crag-Chaderton, Brandon    6 Trinity Prep                      14.61   1.3  3 
 13 Pittenger, Lawton          7 The Christ S           16.00      14.85   1.3  3 
 14 Gavin, Michael             8 Lake Mary Pr           14.00      15.04   1.4  1 
 15 Zipay, Matthew             7 Trinity Prep                      15.09   1.1  4 
 15 Winfrey, Judah            -- Lake Mary Pr           14.80      15.09  +0.0  2 
 17 Tipping, Garrett          -- The Christ S           16.50      15.12   1.3  3 
 18 Lysenko, Max               8 Lake Highlan           15.00      15.38  +0.0  2 
 19 Kenoyer, Ty                6 Foundation A           16.30      15.55   1.3  3 
 20 Botens, Ethan              7 Windermere P           15.24      15.71   1.3  3 
 21 Sood, Clovis              -- Lake Mary Pr           14.80      15.87  +0.0  2 
 22 St Germain, Michael       10 Orangewood C           13.00      16.10   1.4  1 
 23 Gee, Raul                  6 First Academ           15.00      16.12   1.3  3 
 24 Barnette, Ethan            6 The Christ S           16.37      16.42   1.3  3 
 25 Woodrow, Seth              6 The Christ S           17.00      16.57   1.3  3 
 26 Walker, Blake              7 Orangewood C           14.00      18.68   1.4  1 

Event 11  Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Crist, Caroline            8 First Academ         5:54.54    5:52.63   10   
  2 McAnally, Audrey           6 Trinity Prep                    5:57.81    8   
  3 Duncan, Olivia             8 First Academ                    6:06.21    6   
  4 Demetriades, Olivia        7 Trinity Prep                    6:44.50    5   
  5 Ikeda, Megan               6 Windermere P                    6:51.09    4   
  6 Blumenfeld, Sofia          6 Trinity Prep                    6:52.72    3   
  7 Burns, Caroline            6 Trinity Prep                    6:59.17    2   
  8 Winslow, Riley             6 Foundation A                    7:05.62    1   
  9 Stephens, Rachael          6 Foundation A                    7:40.08  

Event 12  Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Drogosch, Grant            8 Windermere P                    5:12.70   10   
  2 Galloway, Kayamo           6 Trinity Prep                    5:14.15    8   
  3 Galloway, Mamush           6 Trinity Prep                    5:17.82    6   
  4 Word, Adkins               8 First Academ                    5:39.07    5   
  5 Woodruff, Ricky            8 Trinity Prep         6:01.23    5:44.42    4   
  6 St Germain, Christian      8 Orangewood C         5:30.00    5:57.45    3   
  7 Stevenson, Gage            7 Orangewood C         5:20.00    6:00.09    2   
  8 Marberry, Will             8 The Christ S         6:19.55    6:00.14    1   
  9 Kenoyer, Ty                6 Foundation A                    6:10.36  
 10 Gendreau, Andrew           8 Orangewood C         5:20.00    6:17.63  
 11 Phipps, Cole               7 First Academ                    6:21.34  
 12 Ruble, Grant               8 First Academ                    6:27.93  
 13 Driscoll, Xavier           6 Trinity Prep                    6:30.73  
 14 Cook, Owen                 6 The Christ S         6:25.00    6:32.64  
 15 Estein, Franklin           8 Windermere P                    6:40.94  
 16 Lenoci, Zach               6 Windermere P                    6:41.17  
 17 Albertson, Josh            6 Foundation A         7:00.75    6:46.27  
 18 Sinclair, Griffin          8 Orangewood C         7:00.00    6:56.93  
 19 Dallecio, John             6 Windermere P                    6:58.12  
 20 Colombo, Justin            6 Foundation A                    6:59.97  

Event 13  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Trinity Prep  'A'                                              59.29   10   
  2 Lake Mary Prep  'A'                                 57.00    1:00.03    8   
  3 The Christ School  'A'                            1:00.00    1:02.30    6   
  4 Lake Mary Prep  'B'                                          1:04.45    5   
  5 Windermere Prep  'A'                                         1:06.02    4   
 -- The Christ School  'B'                            1:05.00   X1:04.09  
 -- Trinity Prep  'B'                                           X1:06.83  

Event 14  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Orangewood Christian  'A'                                      53.52   10   
  2 Windermere Prep  'A'                                           55.73    8   
  3 Trinity Prep  'A'                                              55.95    6   
  4 The Christ School  'A'                            1:00.00    1:01.69    5   
  5 Orangewood Christian  'B'                                    1:06.09    4   
 -- Trinity Prep  'B'                                           X1:01.18  
 -- Windermere Prep  'B'                                        X1:06.94  

Event 15  Girls 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Best, Jianna               8 Lake Highlan         1:07.54    1:09.30   1  10   
  2 Gannaway, Danielle         5 First Academ         1:11.00    1:09.86   1   8   
  3 Gasner, Kaitlin            8 Trinity Prep                    1:10.73   3   6   
  4 Dolle, Lindsey             7 Trinity Prep                    1:11.19   3   5   
  5 Moore, Abby                7 First Academ                    1:12.95   3   4   
  6 Garganese, Isabella        7 Trinity Prep         1:16.23    1:13.00   1   3   
  7 Schrago, Emma              8 The Christ S         1:15.00    1:15.13   1   2   
  8 Long, Alexa                8 The Christ S         1:13.14    1:16.14   1   1   
  9 Barron, Hannah             6 First Academ         1:18.00    1:16.19   1 
 10 Argov, Sappir              7 Trinity Prep         1:23.36    1:17.39   2 
 11 Formella, Carrie           6 The Christ S         1:20.00    1:18.69   1 
 12 Otto, Haven                9 Lake Mary Pr         1:16.06    1:19.77   1 
 13 Sparkman, Syni            -- Lake Mary Pr         1:30.00    1:19.83   2 
 14 Burgess, Mary Britton     -- First Academ         1:30.00    1:19.89   2 
 15 Smith, Amanda              6 The Christ S         1:20.00    1:24.11   2 
 16 Vinacco, Marissa          -- Lake Mary Pr         1:35.00    1:33.85   2 
 17 Torres, Victoria          -- Lake Mary Pr         1:40.00    1:35.85   2 

Event 16  Boys 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Brand, Alexander           8 Windermere P         1:02.57      59.44   1  10   
  2 Gaston, Jason             -- Lake Mary Pr         1:00.00      59.93   1   8   
  3 Cloe, Tristan              8 Trinity Prep         1:07.81    1:02.10   1   6   
  4 Smith, Zac                 7 First Academ         1:00.00    1:03.63   1   5   
  5 Range, Grayson             8 Foundation A         1:01.24    1:04.79   1   4   
  6 Deluzio, Joe               6 First Academ         1:10.00    1:05.25   2   3   
  7 Gendreau, Andrew           8 Orangewood C         1:08.00    1:06.08   1   2   
  8 Lindsay, Valentine         8 Windermere P         1:07.49    1:07.24   1   1   
  9 Manning, David             6 Trinity Prep                    1:09.41   4 
 10 Geib, Jack                 8 Orangewood C                    1:09.68   2 
 11 Gidus, Luke                8 The Christ S         1:10.00    1:10.04   2 
 12 Jochum, Parker             8 Trinity Prep         1:16.90    1:10.17   2 
 13 Winfrey, Judah            -- Lake Mary Pr         1:20.00    1:11.87   2 
 14 Vandendreissche, Paul      7 Trinity Prep                    1:13.46   4 
 15 Swann, Rock                6 The Christ S         1:25.44    1:13.98   3 
 16 Sood, Clovis              -- Lake Mary Pr         1:30.00    1:14.14   3 
 17 Scaramuzza, Antonio        6 Windermere P                    1:14.67   4 
 18 Mincey, Gabriel            8 The Christ S         1:20.00    1:15.80   3 
 19 Gavin, Michael             8 Lake Mary Pr         1:30.00    1:16.88   3 
 20 Albertson, Josh            6 Foundation A         1:20.18    1:17.01   3 
 21 St Germain, Michael       10 Orangewood C         1:20.00    1:17.67   2 
 22 Mellen, Andrew             8 Orangewood C         1:22.00    1:18.72   3 
 23 Millard, Nicholas          7 The Christ S         1:19.77    1:22.54   2 
 24 Gee, Raul                  6 First Academ         1:29.00    1:27.18   3 

Event 17  Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Horton, Anna Kate          8 First Academ         2:37.20    2:49.16   10   
  2 Baker, Lily                7 First Academ                    2:51.48    8   
  3 Pisello, Sophia            8 Trinity Prep                    2:52.32    6   
  4 Israel, Lily               8 Trinity Prep         3:04.95    3:03.61    5   
  5 Ikeda, Megan               6 Windermere P                    3:03.74    4   
  6 Olore, Sophia              7 Trinity Prep         3:13.97    3:04.48    3   
  7 Lundy, Bella               7 Trinity Prep                    3:04.80    2   
  8 Campbell, Katie            6 First Academ                    3:16.50    1   
  9 Chase, Ashley              7 Foundation A                    3:18.48  
 10 Winslow, Riley             6 Foundation A                    3:19.27  
 11 Vinacco, Marissa          -- Lake Mary Pr         4:00.00    3:35.58  
 12 Sood, Odeline             -- Lake Mary Pr         3:20.00    3:37.96  
 13 Koepke, Trinity            6 The Christ S         3:23.42    3:49.81  

Event 18  Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Drogosch, Grant            8 Windermere P                    2:24.23   10   
  2 Leider, Sean               8 Trinity Prep         2:32.92    2:30.12    8   
  3 Kinney, Sebastian          7 Lake Mary Pr         2:50.00    2:38.18    6   
  4 Range, Grayson             8 Foundation A         2:34.10    2:42.00    5   
  5 St Germain, Christian      8 Orangewood C         2:50.00    2:42.93    4   
  6 Tressler III, Daniel       6 Trinity Prep                    2:44.20    3   
  7 Peluso, Joseph             8 Trinity Prep         2:59.01    2:44.33    2   
  8 Evens, Ethan               8 Orangewood C         3:00.00    2:48.67    1   
  9 Davis, Justin              6 Trinity Prep                    2:58.35  
 10 Sinclair, Griffin          8 Orangewood C                    3:09.30  
 11 Barron, Elijah             6 First Academ                    3:10.39  
 12 Dallecio, John             6 Windermere P                    3:13.03  
 13 Estein, Franklin           8 Windermere P                    3:15.08  
 14 Lenoci, Zach               6 Windermere P                    3:22.78  
 15 Colombo, Justin            6 Foundation A                    3:24.87  

Event 19  Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Gordon, Nadia              8 Windermere P                      30.59   2.5  2  10   
  2 Appah-Sampong, Adede       7 Trinity Prep           31.82      31.55   2.2  1   8   
  3 Veneziano, Nikki           8 Trinity Prep                      31.56   2.5  2   6   
  4 Dolle, Lindsey             7 Trinity Prep                      31.61   1.2  3   5   
  5 Best, Jianna               8 Lake Highlan           31.13      32.50   2.2  1   4   
  6 Gilbert, Kinsey            7 Lake Mary Pr           31.43      32.56   2.2  1   3   
  7 Gilmore, Ariana            6 First Academ                      32.60   1.2  3   2   
  8 Bastone, Olivia            8 Windermere P                      32.65   2.5  2   1   
  9 Malloy, Megan              8 Lake Mary Pr           32.75      32.86   2.2  1 
 10 Langhoff, Grace            6 Foundation A                      33.31   2.5  2 
 11 Parker, Grace              7 Trinity Prep                      33.55   2.5  2 
 12 Fleischner, Camryn         7 Windermere P                      33.78   1.2  3 
 13 Hogan, Lauren              6 Foundation A                      34.09   1.2  3 
 14 Petrucelly, Victoria       8 The Christ S           31.53      34.15   2.2  1 
 15 Hosley, Khloe             -- Lake Mary Pr           36.50      34.91   2.2  1 
 16 Steel, Gabby              -- Lake Mary Pr           37.00      35.73   2.2  1 
 17 Costin, Kiyah              6 The Christ S           37.59      36.56   2.5  2 
 18 Costin, Kayla              6 The Christ S           37.50      39.60   2.2  1 
 19 Williams, Audrey           6 The Christ S           44.68      46.49   2.5  2 

Event 20  Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Peres, Mathews             8 Windermere P           34.00      26.06   2.6  2  10   
  2 Schreck, Myles             8 Trinity Prep           30.12      26.47   2.4  1   8   
  3 Penny, Parker              8 Orangewood C           32.00      27.55   2.4  1   6   
  4 Evans, Ikey                7 Trinity Prep                      27.65   0.8  4   5   
  5 Cone, Stephen              8 Orangewood C           36.00      27.67   2.6  2   4   
  6 Frazier, Rolous            7 First Academ           29.00      27.77   2.4  1   3   
  7 Manning, David             6 Trinity Prep                      30.49   0.8  4   2   
  8 Ellis, Lake                6 First Academ           30.00      30.69   2.4  1   1   
  9 Gaston, Jason             -- Lake Mary Pr           30.00      30.81   2.4  1 
 10 Sood, Clovis              -- Lake Mary Pr           35.50      30.92   2.6  2 
 11 Pittenger, Lawton          7 The Christ S           37.00      31.65   2.6  2 
 12 Zipay, Matthew             7 Trinity Prep                      31.88   0.8  4 
 13 Tipping, Garrett          -- The Christ S           37.20      31.91   1.1  3 
 14 Marlett, Reid              8 The Christ S           34.00      32.11   2.6  2 
 15 Kenoyer, Ty                6 Foundation A           33.78      33.32   2.4  1 
 16 Bowhay, Tristan            6 Windermere P                      33.42   1.1  3 
 17 Pacheo, Aj                 7 Orangewood C           41.00      35.44   1.1  3 
 18 Barnette, Ethan            6 The Christ S           37.00      36.49   2.6  2 
 19 Polk, Aiden                6 Windermere P                      36.74   1.1  3 
 20 Fagan, Jake                7 Windermere P           37.12      37.67   1.1  3 
 21 Walker, Blake              7 Orangewood C           43.00      40.65   1.1  3 
 -- Gee, Raul                  6 First Academ           29.00         DQ   2.4  1 

Event 21  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 First Academy (Orlando)  'A'                                 4:45.35   10   
  2 Trinity Prep  'A'                                            4:55.50    8   
  3 The Christ School  'A'                            5:00.00    5:27.98    6   
 -- First Academy (Orlando)  'B'                                X5:07.89  
 -- Trinity Prep  'B'                                           X5:40.25  
 -- The Christ School  'B'                            6:00.00   X5:47.89  

Event 22  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 First Academy (Orlando)  'A'                      4:35.00    4:29.41   2  10   
  2 Orangewood Christian  'A'                                    4:31.69   2   8   
  3 Trinity Prep  'A'                                            4:32.04   1   6   
  4 Lake Mary Prep  'A'                                          4:42.24   1   5   
  5 Windermere Prep  'A'                                         4:48.03   1   4   
  6 The Christ School  'A'                            5:15.00    5:15.36   2   3   
 -- Trinity Prep  'B'                                           X5:25.55   2 
 -- Windermere Prep  'B'                                        X5:39.97   2 

Event 23  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Trinity Prep  'A'                                           10:00.68   10   
  2 Orangewood Christian  'A'                                   10:47.67    8   
  3 First Academy (Orlando)  'A'                                11:18.71    6   
  4 Windermere Prep  'A'                                        11:25.73    5   
  5 The Christ School  'A'                           11:45.00   11:31.20    4   
 -- Trinity Prep  'B'                                          X11:36.68  
 -- The Christ School  'B'                           12:25.00  X12:01.74  

Event 24  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Trinity Prep  'A'                                           12:11.53   10   
  2 The Christ School  'A'                           12:20.00   13:05.10    8   
 -- Trinity Prep  'B'                                          X12:29.76  
 -- The Christ School  'B'                           13:00.00  X14:00.38
