Hosted by Titusville HS
Schedule: 7:15 am Coaches Meeting
8:00 am Girls Race
8:40 am Boys Race
Admission: Admission $7 individuals (Ages 12 and Up) Please Remind parents., spectators
Parking: Per agreement with Eastern Florida State College EFSC), no team buses, vans and cars allowed on the campus.
This includes NO dropping off of runners. All team vehicles must park at the Chain of Lakes park.
New Entrance to the Chain of Lakes.
All Teams Vans, Buses and cars carrying runners.
Turn right from U.S. 1 North bound side on to Truman Scarborough Way, follow the road into the park. Once inside the park, turn right proceed to the dirt lot closest to the course. Do not park at the Soccer fields.
EFSC parking is for spectators only.
All spectators are to use the south entrance to EFSC , by Parish Hospital.
Substituting Runners
If you are going to substitute runner who was not in your top 7 at the District Meet, you must complete a substitution form to switch the bib and chip to the new runners. This must be done at the finish line tent prior to your race. The new runner must also be listed on your eligibility list.
Timing services: Elite Timing
Official and meet starter: Derek Monroe
Packet pickup- At the large white tent starting at 6:30 am
Meet preview: All day Friday. Please enter through the soccer complex.
Starting positions: Chosen by random draw at coaches meeting.
Trainers: will be available at the finish line area.
We have porta-potties near the start line.
Qualifying for the FSHAA State Finals
The top 15 individuals and top 6 placing teams will advance to the FHSAA State Finals.
Meet manager/contact: Robb Jones 321-403-5047 email: